How do you become lucid if...

I find myself in this situation alot.

I have a dream, but I"M NOT IN IT!

It’s like i’m watching a movie. This morning, i had one where I was watching Chou Yu and Zhou Tai on boats fighting a mob boss! And I wasn’t Chou yu, or zhou tai, or anyone! It was like a tv show! Any help? It is REALLY annoying. -_-

i know what you mean. It’s like watching a dream like it was a movie or tv show.

I once became lucid in this type of dream, so it is possible. I had actually had the dream before and this triggered Lucidity because i thought to myself “Oh wait this is a dream i remember this one”

at which point i seem to just be able to control it, i’m not sure if i actually had a body or not. but i was able to travel and do as i wished.

Once you become lucid you can of course make yourself an active character, it’s just a matter of gaining lucidity.

i have dreams like that fairly frequently where i’m the bodyless observer rather than a participant. i usually identify with somebody in the “movie” though and usually become them and when i do, i become me again

i kinda like observer dreams, i’ve become lucid in them, in fact my last LD started out as an observer dream