I have been wondering this for a while… Do you think about doing something and it happens? Or do you control yourself like you would in real life?
I think you control yourself like you would in real life. Luicd Dreams are as real as RL.
You control yourself like in real life. But external things in the dream or changing your appearance in the dream is done by thinking about it / willing it to happen
Cool. I was thinking, It would be far too boring if you had to think about taking a step lol
You are yourself, but without any limitations…
For example: you can change into anything you want, and you can fly, and can make people appear out of the blue!!!
But there are more interesting stuff in a LD than just play…
You can go to your inner depths to recover lost memories, you can watch parts of your life just as a DVD!!! And you can count on a DG to teach you how to do stuff that you don’t know… It’s like the real world, the only difference is that YOU are the RULLER of this world!!!
You may consider LDing a “gift” that God gave to the humanity, to make us able to have our own world, without destroying His one ^^!!!
I know I do
Wow that seems pretty cool. I CANT WAIT TO ACTUALLY HAVE AN LD !
If you wanna have a LD kinda fast, try doing RCs all the time!! As more RCs you do while awaken, greater are the chances of a LD!!! And everytime you do a RC, you’re kinda thinking 'bout LDing, so, it makes everything faster…
And of course, trying MILD or WBTB techniques for begginers use to be the best choice, but if you feel better attempting WILD, go ahead!!!
After my first WILD)Well half of one) i doubt I will EVER do that again
If you doubt yourself then you won’t have one. But if you believe you can then you will. Sounds a lil corny tho.
Not only do you control yourself like in real life, even controlling something like an extra finger is just like in real life. If that makes any sense. Just like you control your normal fingers in the dream and real life, so you control an extra one.
You control your body (In whatever ‘form’ you’ve given it, e.g. an extra finger ^ ), as you would your real life one. You control everything (Absolutely everything) else by willing it to happen, forcing it to with your mind. That only works if you’re confident in your control, but why wouldn’t you be?