Hi, this is the first time I’m posting here, though I have been lurking from time to time. Anywho, I’m sorry if there is already a topic like this one but I couldn’t find it. I’ve been trying to LD for like 2 months now with little success, though I did have like a 3 sec one like a month ago. I think a major block in my attempts is that I subconsciously think that it is hard to LD, I tell myself it’s easy but I don’t think I really believe it. I was wondering if there was a way or technique to convince yourself that it is easy to LD?
Don’t worry about it too much. Getting stressed over LD’ing is a good way to stop 'em .
… because it is ? I am having LD’s enoughly often to know that it’s easy. Key is to know it. There is no technique like this - or you do know it, or not. It really depends on mind, if you don’t want to have LD, you’ll never have one. But it works both ways, so if you do want to have LD, all techs and stuff is a support.
Lucid dreaming is a thing that was practiced by hundreds years, in diffrent parts of globe. Milions of people had at least one dream where they knew they were dreaming in life. It was not called LD, not everyone noticed something more than cool dream in it. Tens of thousands people can LD, not everyone know that it’s something special. But there is no person - i stress- there is no person that could not learn lucid dreaming. It’s something natural.
You could try to recogenize dream just by awarness on surroundings. But there are plenty of techiniqes, mehods, tips and things that will help you to dream consciously. Every is diffrent that another, so you propably will find something that you’ll find comfortable or most working or you. This is not a some crazy ideas - there are real, credible research about lucid dreaming subjects. Lucid dream can help to heal phobias and traumatic accicents. They can help to get out of deppresions. And again - someone had to do it, otherwise it would be no research on it.
And finally - there is thing as lucid dreaming at will, most advanced lucid dreamers can have LD’s just by simple once trought “I will have lucid dream tonight”. So, if for some people it’s so easy, why it would be hard for you ? You have same brain as they. It’s all in your will.
So really, don’t build a wall in your mind. It’s really not worth to do so.
If all else fails, take a break from trying. I find that when you leave LD’ing for a short while - that includes talking about it too, not just ceasing your techniques - you sometimes get a sudden, short burst of LD’s.
Or you could do the exact opposite and put everything you have into it. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend that, because results aren’t guaranteed, and you may end up becoming disillusioned if it doesn’t work out.
At any rate, LD’s come fast for some people than others. Don’t worry about it too much.
I’d also say thing Q mentioned in FAQ on ld4all - don’t want it too much. If you state to yourself that you absolutely MUST have a LD soon, you can easily discourage yourself since noone likes being forced into anything. Just let it come and be patient…
What? You say that’s trivial and difficult as well? Yeah, you may be right - patience is demanding virtue However, a thing that can make it little more comfortable is the sight of progress. You are saying that you had short flash of LD already - that’s an obvious sign of progress. The other ones are, for example, thinking and talking about dreams in dreams, false awakening with writing in DJ (I especially liked that ones) or similar experiences.
Reading this forums has helped. “Eh, these people are having LDs, why should it be any harder for me?”. Already, out of about 7 or 8 nights (not all of them full nights though), i’ve had at least three LDs (multiple dreams in one night are hard to keep track of)
Don’t let yourself get discouraged, just focus on remembering your LDs, think about them at various times during the day, do RCs throughout the day (even if you don’t need them in dreams, they still help cause dreams). I know a couple people who’ve drawn symbols on themselves, such as a moon or something, in regular pen or marker on their arms somewhere, and everytime they see it they think of having lucid dreams. It’s up to you, but just don’t get discouraged. Thinking it’s hard Makes it hard. LDs are all thoughts, remember.
just pratice patience by keeping a DJ. You’ll get more excited to sleep and dream in turn. LD can come a little more easier when you don’t focus on it, take a break and dont try for awhile and focus on your dream signs and LD techniques.
Yea, I guess you guys are right. I was just getting impatient, I just need to mellow it out more.
Yeah, just be cool about it.
Also one thing that seemed to help me when i started was not to think about having a lucid dream, but what to do in the lucid dream.
I just took the fact that i would become lucid as given.
and then imagined as vividly as possible what to do.
Worked very well.
Also if you have a strange thought during the day, just say to yourself: im going to do that when i´m lucid tonight
I have the same problem… I’m trying for like almost a month and I had 1 LD, so I recorded myself(a few minutes ago) saying: “I will have a lucid dream tonight”, and now I’m playing it and repeating. I think it could really help, and you don’t even have to raise the volume… I’ll post a reply tomorrow, and I think you should try it too.
Hm…interesting idea, maybe I should make a LD to do list on the inside cover of my DJ.
On another note I think mellowing out has helped me a little with dream recall, I remembered like 3 dreams yesterday, I haven’t rememebered that many in a while, too bad I didn’t write it down in my DJ, I forgot them now…