How do you deal with sleepiness?

Hi everyone!

I have a question and was hoping to get some insight from some experienced lucid dreamers within the community. My question is, how do you deal with sleepiness when recalling dreams and inducting lucid dreams?

That tired-minded state can be counterproductive to LD induction for me. I’m doing very well with my dream recall, but I feel like I’m always wrestling with myself when doing so. I will feel so tired, mentally, as though it’s a force I fight and am clawing to get to the surface so I’m aware enough to recall my dreams. This has also hindered my LD induction efforts in the past.

Any recommendations?

I’d say that you write down what you can before you get fully exausted, then relax, go off to do something, and try again later. If it’s a school/work day, you’ll get a sign of some kind–Something that will trigger a memory in your head, and surface the memory. Thus, no work is done, which is awesome.

I know what you’re saying; just this morning I woke up with a song in my head, and the singer was a character in one of my dreams. I don’t think I would have remembered it otherwise. I’m not sure that it’s something I would like to or be able to rely on every time, though.

As far as the sleepiness is concerned, I think that the will and the affirmation to remember dreams is what overcomes any sleepiness that would otherwise block it. I’m eager to hear what others think about that, and if they also recall dreams and overcome that tiredness through sheer force of will.

It’s by making recalling dreams an habit that you do as soon as you wake middle of the night or morning. you are still lying down at first and relaxing so the sleepiness doesn’t matter. Then it’s just a matter of scribbling down what you remembered so it isn’t forgotten :wink:

I think you hit the nail on the head for me, Moogle. The intention to write down a dream as the first thing upon waking puts me in a fight against that tired-minded feeling, but the intention to just take a minute, relax, and recall the details of the dream makes it much easier. :smile: