And if you do MILD, can you control your dream? I cant seem to find out how to do WILD.
Also, what are things like NILD and DILD?
there are so many topics over WILD it’s not even funny. go read the big WILD forum. NILD = nap induced lucid dream. DILD = dream induced lucid dream.
Yes, you can control your dream if you do MILD.
DILD = Dream Induced Lucid Dream
I’m not sure what NILD is…
Anyway, to do WILD (do it with WBTB), relax your whole body and imagine yourself walking down a long hallway, and keep telling yourself that when you get to the end of the hallway, you will be dreaming! Soon you should find yourself really walking down the hallway and you’ll know that you’re dreaming…
freecube, I don’t mean to sound rude… but there are a lot of resouces here on the forum that already answered your questions.
Please feel free to use search function to find what you’re looking.
The latest big WILD part 7 topic can be found at this link. Also the big WILD part 1 topic also can be useful.
DM7, sorry, Im being rude by just asking I know I could look it up, but Im REALLY lazy
Ah that’s ok. I understand. Welcome to ld4all forum by the way.