how do YOU meditate?

I can never silence my concious - it never shuts up :tongue:

And i need earplugs, :lol: My families noisy.

resistance of the ego.

Silencing your mind can be very difficult at first.

However demanding it may seem and be, the rewards are beyond belief.

Wow, I guess that I’m lucky, because I’ve never had a problem with getting my mind to quiet down and stay clear. I always used to think it was normal.

you can consider yourself lucky , although I do not believe in any existence of such trait, “luck”

your always (correct me if im wrong) is referring to this incarnation —> not really always…

and ghostie

you’re more than welcome :smile:

My mind takes almost no effort to shut up. It takes effort to keep it quiet. :sad:

Hm, you speak the truth in this, never really thought about it like that.

hahahhaha, exactly! The biggest problem of all is I usually don’t notice the thoughts creeping back. I’ll be with my mind empty and suddenly I’ve been thinking about something useless for a couple minutes :eh:

there’s many levels to an empty mind.

you could have no conscious thoughts in your mind, but there can still be thought pressure in your mind.

The ultimate state is one in which you are free from both thoughts and pressure,

in which your mind is completely silent and no thoughts are even attempting to enter.

I believe that all obstacles we have were chosen by us before we came here,
so you probably just figured you won’t need such a challenge, or maybe you thought you needed a calm mind.

I’ve noticed I’m able to silent my conscious thought. Usually then I’ll start perceiving unconscious thoughts (which are cool to listen to :tongue: ). But I haven’t gotten past that…

Ghostie this is soooooo cute!

i do many different things, to quiet the mind, i quiet the mind.

[Hallucinating At Will)
^That’s how.

I think I’m getting a bit better at meditation. :smile:

The other morning, right after I woke up, I tried to empty my mind a bit. There was some noise outside (cars, dogs,…) but I was able not get distracted by it for a few seconds. Not much, I know, but usually it’s very hard for me. I could still hear them, but they seemed different, hard to explain. Distant, maybe. I was able to focus on my breath. The fact that I was sleepy might have helped though…

and last night I was able to empty my mind and keep it empty for a while. I got this thing I’ve got a few times randomly. I focus my attention on my forehead and I feel a light funny kind of pressure. What and why is this? :eh:

Could be a lot of things.

Whatever it may be, it is probably positive, you either released stress (strain in the physical terminology) or maybe some limiting belief or mind set.

You have developed in some way.

You can get many of these pains along the way, and the further ahead you go, the less you will experience them.

Great to hear you’re making progress :smile:

cool and thanks! :content:

but it wasn’t painful at all. It was actually a bit confortable. Interesting at least. I even kept my attention there for as long as I could :grin:

I was assuming that…
since it is usually like that and I have experienced quite a bit of these pains in different areas of my body.


I personally don’t metitate.
I think I’ll try it sometime…:good:

I think I will just lay or sit on my bed…
Empty my thoughts. escape to the inner depths of my mind.
Let myself drift into a daydream, maybe I will think about a lighted forest, sun shimmering through the trees. Everything will have a faint yellow glow.
All the people I care about from the past and present will be there.
I will see ghosts, peaceful and smiling. (I don’t know why, but happy ghosts seem to relax me…call me weird. :content: ) I can walk the beach and look off onto the tropical horizon…
Yeah… I think I’ll do that.

i learned a good way to quiet the mind

inhale through the nose, and hold your breath until you want to exhale, and exhale through the mouth

then hold that until you want to inhale, through the nose
do 2-3 times then breath normally

when you are holding the breath, your mind is silent.

i wanna discuss

is the aim of meditation to be in the trance state, not awake, not asleep, focused and balanced,
or is it to be wide awake, and working with cosmic energies ?

From what I understood in a book I’m reading (I’ll check the name later :tongue: ), emptying the mind is only the first step. Meditation itself is watching whatever enters your mind without ignoring it or getting carried away, or something like that. :tongue:

would meditation work if you think of a song and play it in your head?

to make your mind silent you only need to listen to your thoughts as if they were coming out of your mouth

and then, pause

the word “so” is pretty good

mah mind is thinking… “so…” as if i’m waiting for it to respond,
just like people do in conversations…