how do YOU meditate?

I meditaded yesterday, and this morning I remembered a lucid dream. :colgate:

I’m new to this, done it three times. Well, two, to be exact.
Yesterday I found some meditation music on YouTube, which helped me to concentrate on my breathing. I sat in the lotus position in my coach, and focused on my breathing for about 10 minutes. The last 7 minutes I imagined an “energy ball” between my eyes, which I kinda cleaned with my breath. It was sad and blue, but now it’s red. Red is good.

I didn’t know what to think of at the rest of the day. No sound could annoy me :smile:

great! :smile:

keep up the good work

You’ll find it more and more rewarding as you go :content:

That’s the activity of your brow chakra/energy center, which is number 6 on this site. Here you can read more about them.

Just by thinking about it, mine is lighting up! Back when I did OBE training, (which I later abandoned) I did plenty of work with the structures of my energy body and energy raising. Even before I worked on my main chakras I had a powerful response from my brow chakra.

Sometimes during meditation I get a response like that in my crown chakra at the top of my head, that which has to do with a spiritual connection with the divine. I’ve also had experiences with the heart center while contemplating unconditional love, the solar plexus center, and the sensual energy of chakra number two.

So yes, this is a good thing! :woo:

Nowadays my understanding of meditating and staying in the moment have deepened from what they were before. I meditate by focusing my awareness in my body, thus anchoring my awareness into the present moment so that my mind doesn’t wander. It doesn’t have to be a forceful thing. You don’t have to force your mind to be still, and instead of seeing the sounds around you as distractions, focus on them as part of your meditation. When I do this, I focus on my body right now, sometimes watching the flow of my breath and letting sound flow into me.

In my experience, it has. When I first started meditating and LDing three years ago, the combination of meditating, keeping a DJ, and telling myself over and over again that I’d have a lucid dream every night, and RCing have helped me to have lucid dreams a few nights a week. When I took meditation out of the picture it ceased. Nowadays I don’t try to LD so I only have them on rare occasions.

there is a lot of junk in the psychic plane associated with seeing from the brow center

crown chakra is recommended

when i say junk, its an understatement,

do you wanna see people’s subconscious gar-bajjjj? no! (its not so fun)

I do things like that all the time: Create visual imagery and scenarios of jofully reconecting with the radiant spirits of those that are important to me. Some of it was inspired by reading about near death experiences.

:yes: I do that sometimes, too. You can even play music you find uplifting and focus on that in a sort of meditaion.

Here’s an example from a passage I wrote nearly a year ago:

Lovingkindness meditation is a powerful tool for uplifting yourself and bringing more joy into your life. It had a radical impact on me when I practiced it daily. You may google it if you wish.

I forgot to mention this! I find that focusing on the pause between th in-breath and the out-breath is great for stilling the mind.

Another great way is to say to yourself: “I wonder what my next thought is going to be…” When you do this, you put yourself in a state of watchfulness, waiting and watching for that thought to show up. :content:

These days, it’s usually the crown center that I’m drawn to. But doesn’t each chakra have its function and importance? I guess I can see what you’re talking about. After all, isn’t that chakra associated with sight and intuition? So I guess you could see other people’s garbage. But can’t an energy balance in any chakra lead to problems?

Anyway, I was thinking that activity in any chakra for an early meditator is a good sign that there’s potential for development in all areas.

yes, each chakra has it’s own function and importance,

they’re all organs, just like your liver , heart, and lungs have a different job,

each chakra has a different thing to do in the energetic body.

if you are trying to develop your energetic body, they are all equally important

yes, the brow chakra is responsible for metaphysical sight, so a lot of people tend to use it these days.

The crown chakra is an exception, since it has a different ‘function’ than the rest of the chakras.

There’s always infinite potential for development in each and every being.

it is best to pursue the highest first, then you have experience to understand the simpler,

one who focuses upon only say, the heart center, may have great experiences, yet, could have those experiences and thousandfold more, if he worked on coming out the crown, first,

I think it depends on your intentions when you sit down.

If you’re questing to progress along your path then a trance like state is going to be more productive, whereas if your working towards a goal as perhaps you might be during a working or healing then the latter would apply.

At least that’s how I see it. :tongue:

what i do is nothing more than concentrated thinking. i sit there or lay there(any comfortable position), close my eyes, relax everything, and observe my breathing. the point is just sitting there and thinking, not about anything specific, just thinking about anything. taking my mind off my current physical circumstances( avoiding thoughts like what’s that noise, my leg is sore, has someone walked in the room?), in effect ignoring as much as possible my physical self and environement, and thinking. i don’t use any mantras or anything, just the breathing to start with.

So I was meditating on the bus the other day and something weird happened.

I closed my eyes and got really relaxed, reached alpha if I’m not mistaken. I started repeating some self-hypnosis suggestions to see if I can LD everymorning :grin: anyway, after some 15 minutes maybe I just stayed relaxed but didn’t feel like openning my eyes so I just sat there meditating a bit.

Suddenly my right hand twiched. Not really violently, but not really subtle either. (a few nights before that I was doing the same thing before bed and the same hand twitched! :eh: ) I didn’t mind it and continued.

Here’s the weird part. All of a sudden my whole body (it seamed) twitched. Same thing, not actually violently, but I kinda shook. Even my eyes got shaken open!

any ideas what this was? anyone experience anything like it??

I don’t really have a clue as to what’s causing this but I used to have lots of problems with twitches and such. I think that in most if not all cases, it will just go away with time if you practice regularly.

A myoclonic jerk, possibly… Look it up if you want.
Anyway, I usually focus on my breathing and empty my mind. I’ve practiced for a while, and can reach a state where I don’t have to focus on anything- my mind remains clear (alpha?).

ok, thanks :content:

for some reason I thought myoclonic jerks only happened when you were falling asleep. Now that I think of it I might have been falling asleep, lol.

The funniest thing is when it happens with my vocal chords. Out of nowhere I do an involuntary “uh!” and the cof coff ahem if people are nearby :lol:

I just was a bit freaked out since it was my whole body and even my eyes. The eyes that really… I don’t know, weird. Just weird. :eh:

Wow. :smile:

I just sit. And think. And enjoy.

But I have to enjoy, or else it isn’t meditation.

Ah yes, this morning I meditated until I lost all body sensation. And then my head dropped a bit and I got knocked out of it. It kinda made me jump. :happy:

Hey, just wanted to igve a heads up that can help you meditate, it worked at curing my headache! And made me have visions (sort of dreams but not really) before i fell asleep!! and its free for a month :happy:

Yeah, binaural beats help some people out with meditation. I’ve tried both BWGEN and IDoser, but neither of them really work for me other than to give me white noise to meditate to.

Also, what you experienced was most likely HI.

Sit, breathe, let go but focus, observe the mind, bring it to stillness, settle in deep.

Sounds like a zazen meditation.

I don’t subscribe to a particular practice but, yeah, I suppose it’s much like zazen.

^ Something like this xP. But without all these pillows/blankets. I usually either lie or sit on bed. I know, doesn’t look so pretty and peaceful like sitting in lotus pose and making serious face :wink:. I was doing it for my sight (duh) but it quickly turned into my fav meditation method… it’s easy, it’s relaxing, it just works. As for what I think during it… well, duh, I ‘look’ at the darkness… sometimes I analyze how it looks.