There is something, or someone rather that I always dream about, so I want to use that as a sign that i’m dreaming. How do I teach myself to know that? I’ve been telling myself for a couple of days now that "when I dream about so and so, I will know i’m dreaming, but it has yet to work.
My dreamsign is water. It always have a major impact in my dream.
Everything I see a lake, ocean, rain and so on I do a reality-check.
As a reality-check I always hold my nose and tryes to breath in through it and then checks the clock / reads somthing.
If this person is not fictive, and if you meet him often, you can make a RC every time you meet in the RL.
If it is fictive, you probably have to suggest yourself before sleeping, and imagine you meet him and make a RC.
Ya unfortunately SHE is a dream character so I can’t perform RCs.
During the day after doing a RC tell your self that tonight you will dream about her and you will know you are dreaming.
Just before going to bed remind yourself that you will dream about her and you will realize you are dreaming.
Also, keep in mind it may take more than a few days for it to work. There is no way to tell. I could happen tonight or a month from now. The point is it will happen IF you don’t give up.
I assume you keep a DJ and do RC’s. If not I highly recommend them.
I do neither because I found the RC’s to be the least effective technique for me and I don’t need a dream journal because I already know my dream signs and I’ve had great dream recall my whole life.
Ok. Then try and do things will help you incubate a dream about her and your intention to recognize that you are dreaming.
Happy Dreaming