How does control & imagination work in Lucid Dreams ?


I am a natural lucid dreamer and since the past 4 years I’ve had around 200 lucid dreams, I’ve had great experiences in them and all that, but now comes a question in my mind, something that will be probably hard to anwser, but here’s the deal : How does control & imagination work in lucid dreams, and by that I mean like, if you ask your dream to play a music, oddly enough without even doing “imaginative” work on your end, the dream generates a music that you are listening to right away, and even more odd, is that the music actually makes “sense” (Correct BPM, rythm) and that it’s also something that you greatly appreciate, yet on my end I didn’t imagine any music at all, so how does it generate this music ?

Also, how does sense modification work ? I’ve experienced many transformations into animals & beings (Opposite gender, dog, cat, octopus, dragon, horse, etc…) but to this day I still find it amazing that our senses can be bent so realistically, like it’s not just a perspective change like when you transform into a dragon your view is at a taller distance, but you also see like the animal, and even feel like the animal, like when I was a dragon, I could sense my tail, and could control it like it was there since I was born, or the octopus one where you don’t have any bones and can move your 8 tentacles like it’s the way it’s always been, i’m just amazed that the “coordination” is also modified, the proprioception and all that, and, while it may be hard to anwser these two main questions, why and how do you think it happens ? Also feel free to share similar experiences.

I would chalk it all up to Jung’s theory of the subconscious, I think that’s as good as any. We’ve already created that music, we’ve already created that imaginative empathy with beings in waking life that have eight limbs and/or a tail… but, we just naturally default only to our conscious mind, which is itself only a very small part of our entire psyche. We can have subconscious desires that we don’t consciously notice, or subconscious fears that we can’t rationalize away.

So, the exploration of dreams can seem an unreasonable and untamed place, an a wellspring of imagination.

ok, i have had some mild altering substances lol, and after pretending i was a dinosaur (i have a very active imagination in RL, apart from LD’s)i ahve come to the conclusion we like to feel connected to everything. so by assuming dino consciousness with our particle and wave formations in an ocean of nothing we can recreate a connection imaginatively to the ten thousand things that exsist.

:wiske: right, now for a bacon butty :smile:

soupfriut. connecting to a deeper dimension :wiske:

You should read Robert Waggoner’s book Lucid dreaming : “Gateway to the inner self”

In this book, he discusses deeply the creative process in lucid dreams. To answer your question, he says that the subconscious is a greater part of ourself and an independant worker. It doesn’t wait for you to create (like in normal dreams for example). But when you are lucid, you can ask it to create things. That is why the formulation of what you say is very important, just like if you were talking to another person. This would fit into “Passive dream control” where you delegate the creating process to your subconscious by asking it to do it. I found that it’s the most powerful way but it doesn’t give exactly what you imagined.

And there is the “active dream control” which you do consciously.
From my experience and what he says, there are different things that influence the active creative process of the dream :
-Will : If you really want something to happen, your subconscious may do it for you.
-Beliefs : Dreams are based on our waken life, we dream of what we do. For example even when you are lucid, gravity is still here. These can be overcomed because you can rationalize it, lifting a mountain shouldn’t be harder than lifting a paperclip once you really realise the nature of your dreams.
-Expectations : If you expect something to happen in will generally happen. Like when you fly and you get scared of falling for no reason and start to fall, because it makes sense. You can use that to trick your mind by expecting something consciously like “I know someone will walk through this door now”

And finally there are emotions why are a catalyser to this whole process. It always work better when your hearth is involved in dream, flying is easier when you are happy of doing it for example.

The most reliable way to create something would then be :
-Really want it
-Imagine it and expect it to happen
-remind yourself that it’s all possible in dreams
-Say what you want at the same time
-Get emotionally involved in the process

With all this it should work.

For me, all these tricks are just ways to orient the creative power of your subconscious in the direction you consciously choose. And as for the realness of feeling like something else, I think it’s because you subconscious always present you scenarios that go along with your expectations and beliefs so when transforming in a dragon, it give you the ultimate simulation of you you think it feels like. This process feeds itself and is infinite, that is why it’s so real and powerful.

For example when you are amazed by the feeling of your dragon tail, you focus on this and how real it feels so your subconscious plays along and gives you even more realness. Infinite power bro !

Something like that,
Get this book, he also discusses the nature of dream characters and much more. Fascinating work.

I have no answer on any of your questions but it’s hard to be among the first ones that will answer this though questions. Scientists specialized in this field are still unsure and the problem is that universality of things are hardly applied because of the very nature of the subject.

The power of the mind is uncharted and that’s what scares people so it’s more easy to ignore the questions and be safe then trying it to answer and somewhat be terrified of the learned truth, terrified because of the potential behind the truth.

But we are just scratching the surface. I am glad that I live in this present time and I hope that someday I will become the part of the learned truth about the mind and mind - body relationship. I believe that there is a great potential and we are exploring it despite the fact that we were not thought this way as kids, I think that this way the result has even greater impact on us, on the individual that is exploring the unexplored…

Well just my thought, sorry for not answering the questions and just rambling about the things… :ld4all:

I love Robert Waggoner’s book and I agree with @Yoy on reading it. He talks about this “Awareness” that’s always there watching, assisting, and answering. He suggests talking to this “Higher Awareness” since it knows things the Ego-Self doesn’t know. By talking to the dream, I mean looking up and ask questions ((“expect” answers)).
“How does control & imagination work in lucid dreams?” Those are awesome questions to ask :content: ((please share when you get the answers)). Try asking a DC or just ask the dream the sky. Picture a school and maybe ask a old looking professor. Hopefully his book will help. Please share the answers.

Good Luck and Sweet Dreams :wiske:

Everything we have seen and heard from extremely young ages is stored in our subconscious and I believe that is where a lot of this comes from. The imagination is also an amazing tool, I can lay here and imagine what it feels like to be a dragon, to have wings and a tail, while the sensations are weak I can still fel it to a point.

In dreams we all know that the senses can be far greater that in real life, so if I cn imagine that awake, is it really that hard to imagine how real the sensations of being a dragon can be?

The brain is an amazing thing, its ability to take known sensations and extrapolate them into feeling like a tail, or even to feel like an element is truly amazing, but not really all that surprising considering what we can do in daily life. To me those artists who can draw photo-realistically are just as amazing to me and they aren’t dreaming!