I’m curious as to what experiences that you’ve never had before actually feel like, and what way your brain replicates them.
I mean, say you’re flying, will this be a completely new feeling, or will your brain take an existing one and apply it to this situation? Say you’d been on Mission: Space from Disneyland Orlando (which replicates take off), would your brain maybe use these feelings for flying? Or would it be a new sensation?
i have theories on this - nothing i believe completely myself just possibilities.
I think it’s a bit of everything. Your sub-conscious probably knows alot more about certain things than you think. In that it remebers stuff you just saw/heard in passing, mixes these with things from films and that type of thing and then with something “similar” that you have done in real life which gives it a feel or realism. Would be interesting to see how accurate it is recreated though.
There’s also the possibility of the Universal Consciousness, in that it takes the sensations that are real from the universal consciousness and the people who have experienced it.
thats an interesting idea, where did you hear about that, cuz it would make since if it is possible to share dreams it should be possible tyo share thoughts and feelings too.
I’m pretty it was Jung who came up with the idea of the universal consciousness. Except he called it the collective unconscious. Or maybe they’re 2 seperate (but definitely similar) ideas.
Anyway: I think the feelings basically come from melding together of similar ideas, together with lots of guesswork, like Dark Matter said.
universal consciousness/collective unconsciousness is an old thing older than me. The universal Consciouness as routes deep in the budist beliefs - it’s nothing new.
Isnt the collective unconscious something like ‘the collective memories and experiences of the entire human species as a whole, passed down from generation to generation’ and the universal consciousness more like a present moment thing where we are all somehow connected in a similar if not telepathic fashion? seeing as all things are of the same energy, (IMO disclaimer) it makes sense
But anyways…well IRL, ive never flown outside of sitting in an airplane for a few hours - not exactly thrilling. However, the first time i flew in a dream, i could feel the wind on my face, hear it roaring in my ears, my clothes fluttering, the slight vertigo, zero gravity and feeling of floating, some ineffable stuff etc - it was nothing like ive ever experienced before (at least consciously )…I dont know if it was the result of separate experiences being put together (ive felt wind on my face and body / roaring in ears, for example, while running IRL…but i have yet to experience zero gravity IRL - tho how do i know i got it right in the dream, huh?..ah well)
Well, in one particular LD I had where I “figured out” how to turn into a werewolf, it was this really strong tense feeling. Like all my muscles got really tight and tingly as if electricity was moving through them. Hehe, I guess that’s what my brain decided that transforming into a werewolf would feel like. Glad my brain didn’t choose intense pain! Then I felt really powerful and I was able to run fast and jump high before waking up.
Other times I just feel a rush. Which is probably not too good, seeing as how I get so overly excited that I wake up before the LD gets to last very long.
I’ve had dreams in which i’ve flown all my life (in regular dreams mostly). I’ve come to realize that my mind associates flying a lot with swimming. I can see why too. I mean, swimming is kind of like flying, your being held up above the ground, floating.
Also sometimes the day after having a dream about flying I will try to fly while i’m awake because it seems so possible, so familiar.