finally i had success with WILD!
i started counting back from 100 to 0, and around 60-70 i started feeling vibrations and hearing music, but no HI or HH, and when i reached 0 i was in the middle of a lucid dream! (my longest LD till now )
my question is, how does WILD feel like for you? do you have hallucinations, hear something, or anything else?
well my first (and only) one was accidental. I was falling asleep on my bed, about to go into a dream when i suddenly snapped back to consiousness and just layed there. Then my left shoulder started vibrating like crazy and i clearly heard some sort of old fashioned bell alarm. The dream scene quickly came together but some how i lost it and woke up.
I started trying WILD last night. I felt a tingling sensation in my limbs (vibrations?) and a spinning sensation. My eyelids started twitching and I heard these weird buzzing noises that got louder and louder and occurred more and more often. Unfortunately, I started breathing really fast and everything except the tingling stopped.
What should I be concentrating on as I move into the dream state?
Hmmm. I will have to try this one thanks I haven’t been successful with WILD yet (except for in a dream within a dream which was just an overall weird experience)
I really don’t hear or feel anything. I see some hh and hear the occasional aditory hallucination but that’s while I’m still going to sleep and feels very imagined, if that makes any sence. I usually loose track of everything except myself and after a little while i see a scene start to materialize and become more substantial. The actual lucid dream start some time after this when I finally step into the newly formed scene.
I personally feel paralysed, like if your body is being tightened up. This feeling is followed by white flashes and buzzing sounds. After that you start seeing objects (In my last attempt I saw a white T-shirt with a green image on its front, don’t know why. Soon the dream forms and you just find yourself in the dreamscene.
I don’t try WILD nowadays but sometimes it happens ‘randomly’ (probably unser certain conditions I don’t know about) after some time in alpha. I suddenly feel vibrations, and see the usual shapes and colors with my eyes closed. I can focus on the vibrations and intensify them. If I fail, they stop and I’m wide awake. But if done right, there’s a white flash, maybe a ‘bang’ sound, and I’m in the LD, fully lucid and with good clarity. Usually in my bedroom like FA.