I have two or three questions: 1.) How can I control my dream if I’m asleep? It doesn’t make sense to me, yet it does kinda. 2.) How can I preform reality checks when I’m not in control? Or is it like I do them every day and am used to them? 3.) How do I control the dream?
I prefered to split your topic from the Helpful Hints topic, which is to give some advices to beginners.
Yes, it sounds like paradoxical, I have to admit. It’s possible in a lucid dream cause in a LD we are present like IRL. Hence we have free will, which is not the case in a normal dream.
If you perform frequently RC’s IRL, you’re likely to perform them inconsciously in normal dreams, then it will give you the chance to realize that you’re dreaming.
You generally have to realize first that you are dreaming. Once you realize this, you know that it’s just a dream and that you can modify it. It’s not so hard that it seems at first sight. Good luck!
You do it throughout your day, especially when you experience something unsual or something that often happens in your dreams. If you for example often dream about dirty public bathrooms, then make a habit out of doing reality checks everytime you are in such a place. In the end you will start doing this reality checks in dreams as well and this will often be enough to trigger your lucidity.
If you are lucid, then control is as easy as you make it out to be. You can fly just with the mere thought as long as you have confidence.
There is one other use for reality checks than the ones that Basilus and Tomas mentioned. Sometimes in a dream you’ll feel as if your dreaming but won’t be 100% sure. Reality checks can be used at these times to tell you that you’re actually dreaming.