How long are your LD's?

A friend of mine (with no reason to be dishonest ever) told me a story which was pretty much our introduction to each other. He told me that he woke up in a grass hut and there was a girl next to him, who he somehow knew was his dream-wife. He got up and realised he wasn’t really in his own body, and went outside. There was an olden day village, in which he met a priest which gave him a vase, and special instructions to take the vase to a special far away place, and told not to break it. He spent the next 60 (yes 60) years travelling the plains, fighting his way through beasts, forming relationships with people, seeing births, deaths, all whilst carrying the vase. Once he reached the pedestal in a holy church, he went to place the vase on the pedastal, and slipped and dropped it. Immediately the world began to crumble, the universe tearing apart at the seams, underlying the reality was bright red flashes of light, accompanied by piercing shreiking. He woke out of the dream to see his alarm clock flashing red and beeping loudly.

I know the time frame sounds hard to believe but even to this day I can ask him at any timeframe within the dream and he recalls it perfectly, as if he had memorized a book.

It’s what got me totally engrossed in lucidity.

I had a lucid dream which played over a week in dreamtime… :smile:

My longest dream has seemed like an hour but it was only about 20 minutes.

I remember one dream - my first vivid WILD, where I thought that I would be stuck in the dream forever. Yeah sure - maybe about 10 minutes had passed…which is way above average for me. Maybe average duration is 2 minutes.

Shortest: 30 seconds
Longest: 2 days

Normally they last between 10-20mins for me.

2 DAYS!!!

Lucky! :happy:

Mine are, on average, a couple of minutes. My ultimate goal (After acheiving nightly, very vivid LD’s) is to have dreams a few hours lost, to make up for the time otherwise lost dreaming.

My longest one was about 15-20 minutes maybe (in dream time) and my shortest one a second or so (since I woke up almost instantly when I realized I was dreaming). Not counting that one, my second shortest was maybe 30 seconds - 1 minute.

But then again, I haven’t had that many LD’s yet… hopefully I’ll have even longer ones, like day-long ones… that would be wonderful. :dream:

Dream on. // Olesia

MY longest was 10-15 minutes, usually few minutes. But it is just the beginning!!!

Im new at LDing so the most my lucid dreams ever lasted for was 5 minutes.Ive only had 2 LD’s so far but I hope its 2 of many more :happy:!!

I haven’t had a lucid dream in a while, but my last one was about 5 minutes long. My lucid dreams can last anywhere from a few seconds to about 20 minutes.

Merged into an existing topic

I can spend in my LD one or two minutes. If I have a good time I can spend 10 minutes. How long typical LD’s last? Is one- minute-LD short, long or typical LD?

If you don’t count the 1-second short ones I’d have in the beginning, I’d say my average LD time would be 10 minutes… sometimes shorter and sometimes longer.

Hmm I actually have no idea how long typical LD’s last, it seems to be different for different people, and it also depends on how long you’ve been LDing.

If you want to make them longer, you could always try rubbing your hands together or do the spinning technique as soon as you feel yourself waking up.

It’s a recurring question. I merged it into this existing thread.

Here are another thread only about the longest LD duration.
Longest lucid dream?

My average LD’s are two minutes long.

My longest was 8 hours. My average is an hour or 2 like ND’s.

Wow. :eek:

8 hours long ! So you’ve been basically lucid all night long, including N-REM sleep ?

…and i didn’t know ND last 1 or two hours straight… :confused:

They don’t?
My dreams are always like that! The 8 hour LD was actually last night. At least, that’s how long it felt in the dream. I think you can slow down and speed up time in a LD. The 2 LD’s after were an hour each.

My lucid dreams have only been 10 seconds, 20 seconds, and 2 minutes. But I’ve only had 3. It’d be great if I could have a long lucid dream for once, maybe I’ll try slowing down time or something after I try flying.

From what i know, they last about 15 minutes during the first cycles and then get longer every cycle, and can last 1/2 an hour in the morning of an average night… :smile:

I think it was just a feeling of 8 hours. If not, you achieve the very goal of all tibetans monk, by making your entire sleep conscious. :tongue:

Mines last generlly a few minutes, from what i’ve read and experienced, I believe that time in LD is approximatively the same than IRL.

Waw! That’s great! :happy: I never had extended time in my LD’s, time is just the same as real. :sad:

Yet I think people are asking here for real time duration and not subjective duration. People who are interested in subjective time may find many threads about extending or stopping time in LD’s, etc.

It would be so good to stop time in LD. Exploring the world at your own speed !