How long did it take for you to have your first WILD?

As someone who have been experimenting with different methods for inducing a WILD for about six months now without success. ( Some progress towards what I believe is the real deal though. ) Im simply wondering if anyone of you guys spent as much time trying to learn it? Or if I simply are doing it all wrong. :smile:

6 months!?!?! youre doing something wrong. It took me 3 tries to get it, and most people say you should start getting results in 2-4 weeks. I would suggest seeing some tutorials on WILD

I think that I have pretty much been reading every single WILD tutorial here and over at Dreamviews over and over. Yeah, there are probably a few things that im doing wrong. But as I said, I have made some progress, but still not succeeded fully.

Well, everything varies from person to person as I’m sure you know :content: It might take a bit longer for you, I don’t know :eh: Since you’ve read much I suggest maybe posting your experiences here or in your DJ (don’t know if you already do that :tongue: ). maybe then people can try to give you more specific tips, like what to do when this or that happens… :smile:

It’s weird i’ve been trying wild for months, and normally when i’m trying to get to sleep and not attemping WILD i get realy vived hypowhatic images but forget about dreaming, when i do try wild i never get hypowhatic. :eh:

I’m in the same boat… been trying WILD for a very long time. i’ve never even gotten close to success. i’ve read and tried just about every technique and every tip. i just can’t get it… it usually ends in lost sleep and frustration. i’ve tried at least 10 - 15 times with literally no result. i lay in bed for an hour to an hour and half without getting HI or SP or anything. and i’ve tried it in the afternoon, with WBTB… everything. i just can’t do it.

Gonna lurk here for a while. XD

I wanna know, too. :neutral:

It took me about… A year and a half before I had my first WILD. That was in January this year. Haven’t succeeded since.

For me the hardest part is getting into the transition stage. Either I’m too impatient to “focus” for any length of time, or I’m too tired, causing me to lose focus and fall asleep. The one time it did work was by accident, when I had stopped practicing lucid dreaming for about two months.

That said, I haven’t practiced THAT much. I’ve had about 6-7 near successful WILD’s, 1 successful one and about 20-25 nights where I tried to WILD but failed for the abovementioned reasons.

I’ve been out of practice for nearly 10 months now. I’m just now getting back into the whole thing. First I’ll have to build up my dream recall to 3-5 dreams a night again. That’s gonna take at least 10 days or so.

Glad to see that some people share my problem. :smile: ( Or well, more sad but you get the idea :tongue: ) Personally, I think that if I would practice some more visualization it would give me a huge advantage since I currently suck at it, but the “best” WILD techniques seem to involve it. Mattias, I posted once about what I usually do when I try to WILD somewhere around here… I’ll see if I can dig that post up.

Edit: Link to my old post where I describe what I do when trying to WILD! [Yet another WILD thread (!))

It took me about two weeks to get a LD from WILD and I’ve gotten a few since (Although they’re usually not so long, but really nice and vivid). I want to make some more progress, so I think I’ll stick with WILD.