How long did it take you before your first high level LD?

I’ve been into LDs for almost 2 months and I still haven’t had a decent LD yet. I have had some low level ones that lasted several seconds, but nothing much. My dream recall is continuing to increase and sometimes I can alter what I want to dream about before going to bed, but still no lucidity. I wont give up, but sometimes I can’t tell whether I am trying too hard or not enough. Just to make sure I’m not falling behind, I’d like to know how long it took some of you to have your first LD and how it was induced.

2 mnths isnt that long yet.Its about time where some get finally proper recall and knowledge to have it proper way.Usually till this time most of them are short and full of excitment.In time they get longer,but there are still short ones…just depends…sometimes you`re ggetting high level one and then for a month or two you get few seconds ones.
Took me 2 mnths to get my first longer and “proper” ld.But time has nothing to do here…for everyones its different.
good luck:)

Most people don’t experience a complete high-level LD before first struggling for a while with short frustrating moments of lucidity. Obviously everyone is different, but it usually takes at least a few weeks of dedication to see any promising results. Just keep working on it, and maybe try a few extra techniques in the mean time. Have you looked into external induction, like playing a recording while you’re asleep?

Also, try waking up a few times in the later half of your sleep. The more you wake up and go back to sleep, the more chance you have of becoming lucid (you might even be successful with WILD), not to mention you’ll have considerable more to write in your journal. Just keep at it, and feel free to ask any questions you might have.

I took me a long time to get high leval LD’s. I’ve only had a few so far, so you can see what I’m getting at, it’ll take you a lot longer than 2 months! But don’t be discouraged, because you may take only 2 months where I’ll take longer exc. If you keep going with it you will have one sooner rather than later. You can still have fun with ‘short frustrating LDs’ even if their not perfect, because practice makes perfect as we all know

do intellegence, brain power, and mental potential have effect on LD, or amount of time it takes to adapt?
just wondering. ^.^

I would think that it would just be time adapting, but I could be just saying that because I don’t have a lot of LDs! :content: I think brain powere may have something to do with it, but there are so many factors that effect LDing that it would just be a small thing. I think effort also has something to do with it, but it’s not all effort, because a lot of people work soooo hard to LD and dont get anywhere for a long time

Don’t worry I’m here and I’ll scare the bejebus outta him.

14 months without a high level LD. In those 14 months I’ve had 7 “low level LDs” although the majority were what “normal” people would consider lucid moments.

Not to get ya down but just more more facts and opinions for ya. Keep up the fight. One day we will have our high level LDs, till then its back “enjoying” dream recall.

Anyone else find it hard to be motivated after long periods of nothing???

I doubt IQ has much to do with it, but it sure is a benefit to have good memory.

I had mine in about 1 month, sorry all XP

I actualy had my first high level LD within a week of me finding out about Lucid Dreaming. I was very fortunate with my learning as withing a month of starting I was having at least two or three a week. Of course I was WBTB’ing every day, thanks to early morning cartoons which I’m sure would have helped.

I wouldn’t think your intelligence would have anything to do with LDs, otherwise I’d be wallowing in them right about now :tongue:
Because LDs deal with your subconscious, which is somewhat primitive. It is a separate talent, intelligence and ability to connect with the subconscious. For instance, both Jeff and DM7 have super talents with anything associated with the subconscious, including meditation, trance, NDEs, and lucid dreaming, along with other talents :content:

And yes, memory does do it a lot of times, especially with RCs!
For me, it’s just to slowly ease myself in… adapt to it. I had LDs during the first week too, but they were really them “Lucid Moments” that always made me wake up. Then after about the first 2 weeks I noticed a sharp decline in my LDs… from once every 2 days… to once every week… then twice every month… and now… once a month… but they are becoming increasingly stable. In this case, I’d rather have quantity over quality! But you shouldn’t let yourself lose motivation. I think that’s what really got me. It’s all about the motivation. Well, good luck to you.

hmmm let me see. it took me three days to have a high ld. that was my first ld too :happy: buty it kinda went slowly after that. i think hang on let me go take a look so i can be acc… :eek: well i was a slow lol

this is my ld for the month… dont laugh :happy: and i think i might have missed a few at the end but hey i will get a better one later

then my actally recordings in my DD i lost my other one noooooo :cry:

hmm i think the last few are a bit stuffed. i sorta found it hard to read my books lol wwithout a great deal of effort. hmm hang bout i think it is a list somewhere on this site. anyway what does that tell you

and you get good results it only took me 2 and a bit years :content:

It took me about 2 weeks to have a high level LD. It also lasted for about 20-30 min dream time. I induced it by doing a RC in my dream (counting fingers) just out of the blue. This is the only high level one that I have had.

My first month (September) was great, 7 LDs and even one that lasted very long. October have been very bad though, not a single LD so far. It’s kind of my own fault though, because I paused my DD and do less RCs through the day than I did last month. When November comes, I will devote more time to LD and start up my DD again.

It sounds to me like you are getting close Trancewave (increased dream recall, low level LDs). As long as you don’t give up I am sure you will succeed in the nearest future. Just keep trying, and you will make it sooner or later.

It took me 35 years to have a high level LD.

First LD: after 3 days
First high-lucid LD: after 52 days
First high-lucid LD which lasted longer than 5 minutes: after 78 days
Total amount of high-lucid LDs so far: about 30 in 1.5 years (12 of them were extremely high-lucid).

A few months after i got into lding.
I had spontanous LD when i was very young though, which was both very stable and i was very lucid. Was 8 years when i had it… It started out as a nightmare, but then discovered that things did not make much sense so i turned lucid after pinching myself in my arm, to see if feelt pain like in waking life.

lol sorry about that i didnt realise how long that actally was .35 years
