How long have you got it going?

As the topic says, i wonder how long all of you people have been doing lucid dreams, and how experienced you are at this time. Tell us wich powers that comes over time etc.

Just wondering about it.

Iwe been doing this for about a month now. That means that i have been practicing to remember my dreams and now i can remember at least 1 dream per night. So i started with a WILD/WBTB method three days ago (bendrummins method. Credits!!). And lately the second night i had my first lucid dream, but woke up after 10-20 seconds. It felt amasing.
Therefore im wondering also how many dreams you have to have before taking full control. I guess this changes from person to person, or not (?).


I’ve been practicing lucid dreaming since I found this forum and that was the beginning of december last year (2003). I’ve had quite a few LDs but for some reason most are short :sad: and I sometimes I have lots of controll in my dreams and sometimes I can barely controll anything. How much controll you have in your dreams varies a lot from person to person but you will get better with practice. And you will also get better dream recall and more LDs the more you practice :cool:

I’ve been able to do telekinesis in LDs from the beginning but I sometimes still have trouble flying and I really suck at walking through walls.

Hope that helps :content:

could u feel pain in LDs ? Thats not good if you plan to jump down from roofs.

My first DD entry is 16 Oct 2003, I found out about LD’ing 2 days before… after a few days I had my first LD (low level - common thing for newbies), next were after about 3 weeks. During that year I had several breaks (now I’m starting again) but there were times (in February for example) when I had about 60% success rate in doing MILD.
I’ve never achieved good control though…

I’ve got it going on all night long.

Oh, you meant lucid dreaming…

How long I’ve been LDing: ~1 month

How long I’ve been trying: Longer than that. A lot longer.

How experienced I am: Not very.

It will be exaclty one month tomorrow since I had the Unintentional LD that promped me to find this site. It will be one month since I started keeping a DJ this sunday.

I had my first (and only so far) intentional LD on Oct 5th. I flew pretty well for my first try, but that is all I tried. My dream lasted for about 3min. I am struggling for my next LD.

Sometimes you feel pain in LDs and sometimes you don’t, it depends. If you expect something to be painful it will most likely be painful. And vice versa.

My first lucid dream was 20 years ago, it came natural.
First i did nothing with it just found it a funny experience.

In my first ld i walked in a candy/food shop at the corner of our street and i tried all chocolate bars, cakes drinks, wine etc.
The owner said i had to pay for that all.
I Said hey dude this is a dream, walked out and woke up.
Greatest thing was that all food and drinks tasted as real as real life.

Then i started practising kungfu and we learned there standing meditation.
I tried that at night laying down.
I placed my right hand at my upper stomach (plexus solaris, didnt know that at that time) left hand on my heart and i acted that i let my head sleep.
My consciousness and awareness i melted as one with my breathing.
Breathing and awareness only focussed at my plexus solaris.
slowly my head and body fell a sleep, but my awareness stayed awake.
Then i entered a grey zone and i didnt fell my body anymore, like zero gravity.
The grey zone became dark grey and in the centre of my consciousness i saw a orange spot, a little fractal that moved.
I stayed empty of mind and the fractal became larger and i saw a dream in it. I entered the dream with my consciousness and was lucid in a dream.
Was my first wild, didnt even know how that was called.
Later i found out its an old tibetan way from yogi.
not much later i started with selfhypnosis and trance induction.
I combined that with my own wild and it became even more powerfull.
Now, when i entered the dream lucid i lay down on the ground and did the same routine with my dreambody, let if fall asleep but stayed focussed with breathing and awareness at the plexus solaris and my dreambody desolved.
First my hands then feet, legs arms then all of my body and i entered the deep non rem sleep lucid.
At that time i also bought an EEG machine to record my sleep, lucid dreams and wilds.
I have gone beyond the deep sleep to the near death experience and it is like ppl tell. Indeed all becomes white, like 10000 watt neon spots are aimed at you and you feel wind and an enormous buzzz and you enter then the tunnel where you c at then end of it a world with beautiful nature.
I created special tech to do this all fast, when i enter a dream lucid i can now let go of my nerve system really fast with these tech.
But i keep them to myself because i think it could be dangerous for ppl that are not really experienced in all this.

In also found out that selfhypnosis is the best tech ever to control your lucid dreams with from within them.
I use hypnosis in my dream to c what i want but also to block beta waves a bit and increase alpha and theta waves so you dotn wake up to fast and its so far the best prolonging tech for me.
My average lucid dream was 2 to 3 min, with the use of hypnosis in my lds i make that now an average of 18 min prox.

I absorbed dream caracters and they are empty hulls of association.
I did that the way neo did with agent smith in the first matrix and the way agent smith clones himself in the later matrix movies.

My favorite things are flying and then enjoy beautiful horizons.
Dream sex, and i dont wake up from that soon but that took me 10 years.
And my black book of the subconscious.

In those lucid dreams i want that i create a black book.
but it can be done with any book.
I levitate it open it and then say loud, subconscious show me what you want.
Then i get to c the most awsome art, creativity, movies etc.
Sometimes, often these days haha i command the book to enlarge itself.
And then i step into the world i c…and then iam part of that world.
Its awsome because you never know what your subconscious will show you and almost everytime its very creative.

There are still things i want to do and test in lds.
One of them is to c if i can go with my hand in my head and activate or block brain functions. Iam very curious if thats possible, but so far i failed.
But i keep trying :smile:
Maybe i need to try it with a different aproach.
Because with the first testings of absorbing dream caracters i also failed till i touched them and said the command iam like water iam fluid and then i succeeded to merge with them.


I started practicing LD’ing the same day I joined this site. So, that’ll be the 1st of feb (this year) then. Meaning I’ve been LD’ing around eight months.

Wow, that’s really impressive, Jeff! :cool_laugh:

Hmm, indeed that is impressive, Jeff! Im looking up to you :smile:
But now, back to homework! :sad:

Thanks PAv and Wezelon :smile:

When you try selfhypnosis in a lucid dream you can get into a hypnotic trance in seconds!
Its not so strange because dreaming and hypnosis are both stages of consciousness of pure association.
They are stongly linked.

I told Laberge and other ppl about this but no one dares it or they dont have the talent to do it.
My view on it is that still many fear to try it.
Witch is a pitty because its a strong tool.

For the yogi of the far east this is all old news.
They are a head of the west in this all.


Could you tell me how to selfhypnosise and the goods and (if there are) bads of it ? thanks. You seems very experienced, Jeff.

I began LDing 4 years ago, and now I have pretty good control of everything in the dream, but the frequency of LD havent increased in fact maybe this days I LD less :sad:

Hi Jeff, its so amazing what you do!, do you have any tips or advices on how to overcome fear when doing WILD?. My problem is the fear of not feeling my body and also the great darknes around! Years ago I tried to WILD with a technique I found by myself wich is putting one hand in the chest and the other, on the stomach. For me it works like if the hands where keys to open the chakras near them. What happend that night is that I went a bit further into the stage when you dont feel the body but i got scared so wished to return to “normality” but when I returned is like i loosed alot of energy because in seconds I was trembling I was so cold. I didn’t understand very well what happend but this traumatic experience + my regular irrational fears make a good barrier to WILD. any advice Jeff?


Wezelon there are many ways to do selfhypnosis or also called auto- suggestion!

The most important things (still no guarantee because we dont have all the same talent level for it) are…

  1. Experience the link between breathing out and body/muscle relaxation.
  2. Repeating the suggestion over and over again!
    Have incredible patience with that!
  3. Use your memory and practise to link a suggestion and an association like a body relaxation together!

We all know the experience when we read a good book.
Then we dont hear the clock ticking.
Thats a form of light trance.
So trance isnt that exotic as many think :smile:

Normally the rational left hemisphere filters all suggestions for a big part away.
When we keep repeating a suggestion over and over again our rational hemisphere falls a bit a sleep for that same input and filters it less and less. Thats why repeating your suggestion is very important.
Also to let the power of association work for you.
That means you work from having experienced that feeling and suggestion are one. Once u experienced that u can use it as a base to get faster into trance.

So when u breathe out, your body muscles relax automatically.
Use that breathing out moment to also use a suggestion that u relax more and more.
So u create an memory imprint where suggestion and experiencing the suggestion as really so, thats an association for your memory.
Next time your memory will work for you by the power of association.
and that way the same process will take less time.

Thats just a base to work from, what u will use for suggesstions after that i leave all to you!


Mmm i c! Well your right, the hands and the breathing work like a chi pump connected to chakras.
What the darkness and not feeling the body concerned, thats what i call stage 2 because at the end of that stage u come into contact with rem sleep stage. That first darkness and not feeling your body i call the small void.

About your problem, well that time you experienced fear you went beyond the borders of your control and then fear always steps in.
Fear for lack of control and fear for the unknown.
Also when you went fast out of that trance it could be your bloodsugar level changed, or your serotonin level changed to quickly both can have that effect. So my advise is instead of wanting to go fast deeper i suggest first try to perfectly control the level you know. So go way slower into wild then u get to know all stages better and all will become more of a routine.
so u get used to every little change on the way to a deeper wild level and then fear stays away because there is not so much unknown.
so do wild but go less fast in it less fast deeper let all take place way more slow, then u learn to control and fear will leave you.
Also when u go slower in and out of a wild you wont feel cold unless your neurological really different, but i think you just went out of that wild, witch is a trance, way to fast!

Its a bit like a car, ppl always want a faster car and a more powerfull engine but without a steer (having control)you dont have much from all that power and speed :smile: it becomes useless then.


Awesome posts everybody :happy: I’ll post mine when I have time. I printed this discussion out so I can type on my computer and post it later when it’s ready. :smile:

Test coming up on Wed. so I don’t know when I’ll be able to post it… I’ll see… probably not by Wed… but definitely sometimes after. :smile:

Thank you very much Jeff, I will stop WILDing for now, until I am totally comfortable with WBTB wich is less fearful for me.

I think thats very wise gurguru, better do one thing at a time and do it well and then move on to try and experiment with the next.
When i go under the deep sleep stage to the near death experience i also cant go to fast into that or all my alarm bells go of.
I really have to go from control then, pure feeling guided and thats not to fast else i get fear also. Fear is a very natural reminder and safe keeper and inst there for nothing :smile:

Better slow but sound then speed racing for the price and fall on your face!
Of course when your over fearfull thats also not good so its all about balance.
Only from balance fear is an good thing to have :wink:
and a natural one.

You could instead of putting your hand on your chest put it next to your body then the chi pump works a bit less and you got a chance you then go less fast in deeper wild.
At least its wirth a try for you.