How many days one shoud do RC to get lucid?

I ask this for my friend, and I don’t know answer.
How many days one shoud do RC to get lucid?
And how many time in day?

I think the best way to do it is to do a RC whenever something strange happens or you see something that is one of your dream signs. But another way is to get a watch that beeps every hour and do a RC whenever you hear it.

How often you need to do it for you to have lucid dreams depends on the person and what other techniques you use though.

There is three common choices:

-A BUNCH of RC’s a day (100-150), but just 2-3 days a week or less.
-VERY many for a couple of days, but then you get less motivated and forget everything about it…
-A bit fewer RC’s (20-30), but you do them EVERY day.

The latter IS the best, the former can work if you don’t want to look foolish or if you don’t have time to perform it on certain days. The middle option should NOT be used at all.

Your friend can also try writing “RC” on his hand to remember.

I’d say do 1-2 RC’s every hour (if you can remember to do it hehe), that’ll add up to around 20 RC’s a day, PLUS every time you see something weird.

I agree with Viking, don’t do TOO many because you’ll lose motivation very fast. Instead of an entertaining and fun thing, it’ll be really annoying.

One at each half-hour is a good method.


My friend said that after few days of trying RC 10-15 times/day, she don’t do it in dream.
She just don’t remember to do it in dream.She have vivid dreams and remember everything when she wake up, but she don’t do/remember to do RC in dream.
What she can do?

Well, she can’t expect to see results so soon, can she? I’d give it at least a week or two before it starts working properly :wink:
And if she has the time, she can do it more often (20-25 a day).

Whenever you see something that isn’t ‘normal’ or at least kind of unpredicted. Don’t do it all the time (or you’ll dream of real-life results…or at least me), but do it a little more than every once in a while (few times every day of a week).

Its have to be a lifestyle of doing RC if you want to be truly working in your dream.

So, RC should be doing week or two to start to work?
Is it for everyone like that?

Can you explain “lifestyle of doing RC”?
I know what lifestyle mean literary, but how to make “lifestyle of doing RC”?

How long is a piece of string?

I do a RC every 30 seconds.

I haven’t had a proper LD in over 2 years.

Everyon’es different. LD’s arent something you can quantitate like that, like RC to LD time ratio…

Just experiment between what works and what doesnt, and what is too much.

Maybe RC need to become habitude?

Something one don’t think about continuously, it’s just habit one do every 30min - 1h, without thinking about it all day?

The point is not to go too far out of your way to do something, you need to habitualise it like somebody mentioned.

Everytime you look at your watch or read the time would be a good opportunity to do it since you’re always going to have to read the time.

Your mentality in regards to reality and dreaming is also a good way to re-enforce your reality checks. How do you know what is real or not. What if everything is a dream right now - how would it feel. What does being real feel like?

In general, just thinking about those types of things a few times a day should help you.

It is not an issue of how many you do. It is a issue of doing them properly.

If you take a moment and seriously question “are you dreaming?” look for proof that you are not and be serious then I agree that 20 plus any time you see something that reminds you of your dreams.

If you are just mindlessly doing RC’s, Don’t keep a DJ etc. Basically you are just hoping you will accidently do an RC in a dream. Then I would say you should look at 50-100 times a day.

If you put effort into these exercises then you won’t need to do a lot of reality checks. If you keep and analyze your dream journal, Do serious reality checks and practice a method like MILD or WILD then your chances of becoming lucid go up greatly.

So, one can’t get LD just with RC, and DJ?

One need some other technique, like MILD and WILd, plus RC and DJ to get LD?

Yes, just doing reality checks (if done properly and seriously) and keeping a dream journal can give you lucid dreams. This alone is an induction method.

However, adding another induction method like MILD or WILD will greatly increase you chances of success.

i find that doing rc’s of something simple and usually thats in your dreams helps, like walking through a doorway, seeing a street sign, or seeing a dog as reminders to start a reality check. and doing it as often as you can helps your chances of doing it in a dream.

Yes, but she said that her dreams doesn’t have anything with her reality.

She dreams about places and people which she never see, or was bean there few (10 and more) years ago.

How to do RC for that?
I don’t know what to tell her.

All you have to do is ask yourself, “Am I dreaming?”

Then look around your environment and try to prove that you are not.

This can be done anytime of the day and as often as possible. She could simply do them every ½ hour, whenever she sees a red car, whatever. The important thing is that during the day she seriously considers weather or not she is dreaming.

As an option, in addition to the above, after she concludes that she is not dreaming. Tell herself that everything around her is a dream and imagine what it would be like. Fantasize about what she would do if it were a dream. Then say, “when I am dreaming I will realize it.”

Just as a side note, I think that as she practices she will find things that happen during the day that seem dream like. They may not be specific to her dreams but, remind her of dreams. When she notices things like that, it is a good time to do an additional reality check.

It would probably help more if she joined the forum herself, share what her dreams are like etc. and get more direct feedback from the community.