Approximately how many hours do you have to sleep to have a lucid dream? I have some kind of a sleeping disorder caused by either depression or insomnia. I usually only get a few hours of sleep. Is it possible to have a LD? I’d really appreciate it if someone could help me out. I’d really like to have a LD.
i wouldnt say that there are really any hard facts bar this, the longer you sleep the longer the rem and the closer they are togther, so the more “chance” you have of going lucid. i have bads sleep more offen than not and i go lucid enough in these, but i also have had my best in my more deep sleep.
i guess it is just can you relise you are dreaming in the chance that you have, also if i were you i wouldnt try and reach lucidity ever night, if you have a sleeping disorder than i wouldnt advice it, it would be good to let your brain rest.
good luck
In normal sleep you get REM periods every 90 mins.Each next gets bit longer to reach even 30-40 minutes on the morning.
Note that its only “normal” sleep.Not everyone sleeps normally-regularly and such.If you are in some sleep debts your REMs might be starting earlier.Theres many things that can make that process different.
But roughly-to be healthy and have some chcances for lds you need about 6+ hours of sleep
What the previous posters have said is true, but you can also just dive right into a LD as soon as you hit the first rem stage. (my first 2 LDs were like this) So you don’t even need 1 hour to LD. But every dream you have is another chance to have a LD. I think that you will be able to LD,though your LDs might just be a little shorter than other people’s.
It may be even easier for you though. If you miss too much sleep your body might want more rem so you will enter it quicker, which helps when you are doing MILD, WILD.
Good luck