I guess most people have at least 1 LD during their lifetime which they remember, but are there statistics available about how many people, or what percentage of the population are actually working with LDs? Are there certain countries which have far more LDers than others? Just wondering…
In reguards to your query about other countires, there are a number of cultures that strongly emphesize lucid dreaming, among other forms of subconscious discipline. If I wasn’t so tired I might be able to give some examples other than the already well-known Tibetin monks.
I think people need to actually be aware of what lucid dreaming is before they can be added to the count of lucid dreamers. Without being prapared for it, the experience would probably only last a few seconds and do little but confuse the host.
I’m ignoring these so-called “naturals” for the moment. They don’t count.
I know 6 people in my area. Im sure that thers people in anyones school that have done or tired LDing, but few would admit it…I mean…most people would find it “weird” or watever…so most poeple dont talk about it…
I agree with Unforgiven Killer. Sometimes it’s hard to find out how many people are experimenting with LDing, because it’s a strange topic. I know when I brought it up to some of my friends, they all looked at me funny and acted uncomfortable. It was very awkward.
isn’t that just stupid? people are dumb, but it’s their loss… they’re missing out on lucid dreaming.
anyways, my friend one day was telling me about a girl in his class talking about “something” called lucid dreaming and he was describing her as weird for talking about it. i kinda just laughed to myself . but, it was surprising to hear that someone talked about it, i’m sure there’s more than we would think that are interested in it.
yea ppl r dumb, i always feel dumb when im lookin in the book store cuz its under any LD books will b under “New Age” ppl look at me like im a hippie…
^^ Yes Neo I know what you mean! Some poeple are so scared to venture into that section becuase it seems too ‘spiritual’ or ‘new age’ for them.
In our western cultures people just don’t like to talk about certain things… For lots of people, if they can’t see, touch, even BUY a thing, it’s like that thing doesn’t exist…
From time to time I try to talk to people I meet about dreaming in general and try to talk about lucid dreaming at a later time. So far I have no other LD enthusiasts in person, but every now and then there is somebody who doesn’t think I’m crazy or something. Often people think that this state of mind is impossible to attain, very often people just react like “Aaaahhh, yes…what medication are you on?”, most of the time people just look at you and think that you are some kind of weirdo since LDing is nothing you can actually see on the outside and there is no visible (external) form of action involved, so if you can’t see it or if you can’t pay for it, then why should it be of interest…? (imagine this with comments such as “WHAAAAT? How can you sleep so much?” -> we’re talking about my 9 hours sleep compared to other people’s 6 or 7 hours which I personally find weird, since many of those 6 hour people tend to nod off at any given time )
Only one of my friends is also into Luciding. I have tried to tell my other friends too, but they are all so woodheaded that they won’t take me seriously. :nono:
I just want them to have more fun with their dreams.
I think all parents should introduce their children with lucid dreams, atleast I will do it someday.
I talk to one of my friends about lucid dreaming and although hes not into it, he listens and comments. Another friend says hes realized he’s dreaming while in a dream but he’s . . . how can I put this . . . a little off. He thinks that you cannot actually be conscious while your dreaming. Yet hes had lucid dreams (although he doesn’t know the term)
I’ve talked to 2 of my friends about lucid dreaming and they thought it sounded cool. I don’t really know anyone who’s into it though. My parents think I could be making much better use of my time
as a whole…this stupid fu*king brainwashed society will never accept, believe in, or understand lucidity or anything related to it until they see it on TV (the damn idiot box) in an advertisement or… until they kan buy it
Yeah, I know what you mean… sometimes I feel like there will be some kind of worldwide LD revolution, just as soon as someone brings out an infomercial for the Novadreamer. Control your dreams…and get a free set of steak knives! That can cut through shoes and cellphones! Call now! Stupid TV.
Generally I keep my dreaming exploits to myself these days. Most people just do not understand… Apart from sharing them occasionally on this forum of course. Sometimes though, I meet someone personally who really connects with my way of thinking. Like one girl I met was totally into dreaming. I spent the night at her flat, and we talked all night about all sorts of interesting stuff. At the end of the night she just hands me an object, and I am just saying to myself “Holy shit, this is just my biggest dream symbol!” She says “I want you to have it, I have been waiting for the right person to give it to.” I never once mentioned this thing, even though we talked about dreaming, but she just gave me it like it was made for me. Spooky. Sadly though I didn’t see her again after that.
However, the object she gave me is still with me of course. Just another signpost along the lonely old road of dreams. Heh…but that’s the way I like it really. My dreams are often too f@*ked up to be shared around anyway!
To be honest I quite like the fact that dreams are somewhat on the fringe of our modern society. In a way they still retain some mystery and intrigue. Mass coverage on tv etc would just cheapen them I think, like tv cheapens everything else it lays it’s dirty hands on. Remember, the owners of McDonalds don’t give an xxx about your health, just as the tv broadcasters don’t give an xxx about your intellect. They are all just out to boost their takings. No, I rather find my own way in the world of dreaming as much as possible. It is an intensely personal journey I think. Shit man, I got my own discovery channel playing every night. My only problem is tuning in on time, and remembering to record the good episodes!
I know exactly what you mean. I’m afraid to walk into the new age section in a book store just in case some one I know will see me there. I used to try talking about lucid dreaming with the people I knew. They just kind of looked at me weird and said, “ooookay, moving on now” or “What are you on?” Once I tried talking about it to my dad. He’s usually pretty open about this kind of stuff. Not LDing though. He kept insisting that it was impossible to be conscious in the dream state and that I shouldn’t believe everything I read. He didn’t care about what Laberge did. Ha. I bet he’d change his mind pretty fast if he saw it on discovery channel. And hopefully, someday lucid dreaming will catch a hold on society. Then we can all laugh in everyone’s faces.
yes that is exactly what its like for me. it really is too bad the media has been kept in the dark about this so ive made it my personal mission to inform them. i’ve been emailing the news places around my city and hoping that they’ll respond.
Only 5 people know about my LDing: my parents and my sister don’t ask questions about it so they leave me alone with it. I told one girlfriend of it, but we never talk about it. A few years ago I met a nice girl in a chatroom and it was only a few months ago I discovered she is some kind of a natural LDer. Unfortunately she doesn’t use her gift… But we talk about it a lot.
Last year we had to make a little work for philosophy. The subject I chose was LDs. I talked about almost every aspect of it, ranging from the scientific approach (van Eeden, Ouspensky, LaBerge,…) till the mystical part of LDing (the different ancient traditions which use LDs, usage of LDs in the process of Enlightenment,…). Three months I worked on it.
The result? I got only half of the points…
The reason? I had to concentrate only on the scientific approach and leave the “esoteric nonsense” behind (how can one say all these ancient traditions are “esoteric” or “nonsense”?? how narrow-minded can one be???)
Furthermore, the teacher found it was very confusing, so I think he didn’t understand it much (my mother read it, my sister read it; THEY understood it).
Damn, I was sóó angry when I read his comments…
I don’t know anyone here who has ever mentioned LDing. I tried to talk to people, but the expression I got back was something like “what’s a lunatic like him doing walking around”, even my parents thought I was a looper in all context of the word, so I sorta keep myself to myself now not that it bothers me or anything…sigh ah well
I have talked about to my firends about lucid dreaming. I didn’t mention the phrase lucid dreaming though. That might spook them and they might think its weird. I just described a LD i had to them (with magic powers) and they thought it was cool. One of them has had a LD, but i don’t think it was a high level LD and he doesn’t realise how good they can be.
Another friend says that he won’t try to even remember his dreams because he says he’s satisfied with life. I think that he’s just a bit unsure about it though.
P.S. mystic
Sometimes i think that we forget that teachers are human too
To me it seems strange to picture some of my teachers with a life outside of school.
I think you’re teacher was just unsure and perhaps a little taken back by the idea of LDs. If there are any buletin boards that anyone can put things in you could put in instructions for remembering dreams and having LD dreams. Perhaps when the only topic around school is LDs you’re teacher will rethink your mark Who knows he may even have a LD.