I wanted to start an experiment about lucidity but I realized, after reading a Snape’s thread about DJ’s, that it wouldn’t be easy for everybody to find again their LD’s in their DJ’s and know if they were WILD’s or DILD’s. 
As for me, I had not such a problem cause I have a special LD journal.
Do you think you can find back easily your LD’s in your paper/online DJ? Do you think you can easily distinguish between WILD’s and DILD’s (other LD’s than WILD)? How many LD’s do you think you can find back easily in your DJ?
I’ve only had two Ld’s, which were DILDs, so they aren’t hard to find in my DJ. Though I suppose my DJ isn’ very big yet.
If I’d gotten them a diffrent way e.g. WILD or something, not just a spontatious one, I would’ve written it down too.
I only manage about one LD a month or so, so it’s not too difficult for me to find them in my DJ. Also, I usually write “LD” and circle it, so that if I wanted to find it would be relatively easy. In my online DJ (at DV), I change the color of the text when I am talking about the time in the dream that I am lucid.
Typically I recall my LDs with a great deal of clarity, so a brief glance at my DJ will cause me to recall what made me go lucid and what happened during that time, whether I tried to take control or not, how much control I had, etc.
The first few weeks will be hard to sift through, but after using rainbow writing, I’ll easily find my LD’s.
They’re fairly easy for me to distinguish WILD vs. DILD because I usually start out by stating it’s a WILD if it it.
Yep, I linked back to them specifically on my website.
Well, they’re certainly not WILDs, that’s for sure. I go to sleep v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. I don’t think it would even be possible for me to have a WILD.
All of them. 
Thank you very much for yours answers. Then I think I’ll start my experiment very soon. 
I keep my full DJ in Word on my computer. I used to use the headings NLD, SLD (Semi-Lucid Dream) and FLD (Full-Lucid Dream). I bolded the LD’s to find them quickly and underlined some common dreamsigns. Online, I keep a DJ of LD’s only. (See signature)
I’ve been working on my WILD’s, so I just recently went back and changed my short-forms. I made sure my SLD’s were not just full of dreamsigns, but true LD’s. I then changed FLD to DILD and WILD.
I posted here because I just finished, it took a little while, but it gives me a cool new statistic:
Edit: I went through my DJ again, more accurately, for Basilus_West’s experiment (click here) and have updated my stats on WILD’s.
5/39 of my LD’s were WILD. That’s 12.8%, higher than I would have guessed, since I’m mostly a DILD’er.
Now I wish I would have kept track of which nights I actually TRIED to dream, that would be a cool stat.
Is that tacky, quoting myself? 
I went through my DJ, making some more calculations. I didn’t let myself guess, but I was able to look back on the last 11 nights as to whether I was trying or not. I’ll keep these new stats. I know that I’ve improved greatly over the last 3 months, even though my monthly LD numbers may not show it.
(Tried: 4/6, D:3/6, T:0/6)
I’ve LD’d 4/6 nights I’ve tried. (67%)
3/6 of these nights, I had 2 LD’s (50%)
In this set of recording, I haven’t had more than 2 in one night.
(No try: 1/5)
I’ve not tried 5 nights, and still had 1 LD. (20%)
My DJ shows other LD’s where I didn’t try as well. These stats shouldn’t be hard to keep on a daily basis and in time, it should prove very interesting. I can even accumulate some semi-useless stats from these numbers:
I’ve tried 6/11 nights. (55%) 
Thus it seems that a lot of people will be able to find LD’s back in their DJ’s. 
The experiment got started! You can post your results here when you want! 
“How many WILD’s? How many DILD’s”: the experiment.