How Many LDs Every Week??

Im sure this has been done before, but I think that right now alot of people have managed to become much better Lders so I wanted to ask again.

as for me, I had 3 lds this week (I hadnt tried Lding since a year ago)

I had one 2-3 days ago. I got to practice the WILD technique, so I can have an LD everynight (since I now remember my dreams about every night). I also got to keep on my self about reality checks… ive only done like 3 today, I need to do more lol!

My first goal is to get the WILD technique to work.
My secondary goal is to get the WILD technique to work when I go to bed.
then, ill just have to get good at it.

ranges from 5-15 i think maybe more maybe less depends

Around 15 or so. If i’m on the ball more, if not then less. Depends

The most I’ve ever had in a week was 17. However, that was just an anomaly. I range from 0-8, usually around 3-4.

Between 1 and 5. I see the 1 a lot more than the 5 though.

Could you guys also post how often you do reality checks, and what triggers your reality checks, and what induction techniques you use and how good you are at them (IE: your success rate). Also, how long have you been keeping your dream journal… cause I wonder what the dream journal’s effect on ld’s alone is…

Hehe, I wanna have that many lds, just curious.

I have about 4-6 ld’s a week.
I do a RC every time I have a chance. Especially digital clocks and light switches.
I try WILDs from time to time, but It’s very hard to enter a dream…

I combine WILD, MILD and DILD methods, and usually succeed at one of them.

A lot of times I become lucid spontaneously.

I keep dream journal for 3 months and usually write down 2-5 dreams a night.

hmm WILDs freak me out way too much… the times Ive tried them Ive had such scary experiences, I know nothing will happen to me, but it still freaks me out. I prefer to just do RCs throughout the day and just realize Im dreaming while in the dream.

Don’t do RCs. Just know I’m dreaming.


I don’t do reality checks or really any induction techniques. My LD’s used to get triggered pretty much at random in non-lucids, but these days I’ve been getting a lot of LD’s where I’m sort of half-asleep, and I push myself back into LD’s and roll out of bed (similar to WILD). I’m currently working at becoming better and better at getting lucid before completely waking up.

I’ve kept a DJ since the end of January 2002, and it has increased the frequency of my LD’s a lot.