How many lucid dreams did I just have? lol

So after several weeks of trying so hard for a lucid dream, I gave up last night… and then had some lucid dreams this morning. WOW lol, how unexpected. Anyways the dream:
I was washing my hands when I tried to turn the tap off. This is when the tap snapped to the side slightly and I began to worry that I might’ve broken the tap. The water was still running so I decided to do a reality check. I reasoned that if it was a dream, I would be able to do anything so I used my “psychic powers” to try and shift the flow of the water so that it was traveling in a direction parallel to the floor. It actually worked and I was like, “Yes!!! I’m dreaming!!!” I spend the next 10 seconds doing “kamehameha” water blasts from my hand. false awakening Still in the dream, I decide to go back so I attempt a DEILD. It works and I am back in the exact same position as before. I see a mirror in front of me and I try to put my hand through but it doesn’t work (the mirror feels as solid as a brick wall :eh: ). So I just stare at my reflection, trying to change it into someone else’s. It doesn’t work and only changes into a hideous, distorted version of myself. I get frightened and wake up into yet another false awakening. But this time I get out of bed thinking that I have woken up IRL. :rc: Yeah, I didn’t do a reality check. :grrr: Sometime later in the dream, I become lucid again before waking up IRL.

So my questions are:

  1. How many lucid dreams did I have? 1, since it all happened in the “same” dream? Or 3, since they were all seperated by false awakenings?
  2. Why couldn’t I go through that mirror? lol

Well i think that the important thing is you had a lucid dream. And regarding the mirror thing, i would guess you lost the confidence you first had after your false awakening. But i am no expert so don’t take my word for it :razz:

Gratz on the LD!


haha, i had the same experience! LD-FA-LD-FA-LD-WL.Why can i lucid dream so fast :eh: Well, i had notice it as 1 lucid dream.

Counting how many you had is up to you. I would personally say one, but that’s just me.

Magic in dreams is all about expectations, you can’t always go through things. I’ve been lucid dreaming for a while and I still have trouble going through walls sometimes.