How many of you write a dream diary? (new title)

Been keeping mine since 4th Aug 2003. Got it right here on my computer. :content:
Though I admit it can be annoying sometimes… i’ll wake up, have a fairly decent recall (by normal standards), come down and by the time i’ve gotten my computer on and brought the file up, i’ll have forgot a whole heap due to people making a racket. :angry:

I just started keeping a DD.
Before, if I was lucky, I could remember about one dream every three months… :eek:
Now, thanks to my DD I usually remember two or three dreams every morning :tongue:

Two or three? I’m lucky if I remember two, to be honest. But still I do get one most days. :content:

Well, I keep a notebook next to my bed, in which I usually write after I wake up - this is especially handy when I wake up in the middle of the night and remember my dreams up to that point. Because when I go back to sleep I usually aren’t able to recall the early dreams in the morning. I also use another Livejournal for entering quick dream notes, and a seperate Dreamjournal for writing down the dreams I remember in detail. Still, I’m pretty lax about keeping either of them… I often forget the notebook, and by the time I have the computer on… bye bye memory. :3

And yes, often when you start writing other pieces of the dream come back to you. ^^

I’ve always been able to remember most of my dreams well - although not always every night, I do have a whole collection of images in my mind from previous dreams. Still, if I read back on my DJ there’s a lot of dreams I don’t recall having at all.

My online dream journals are here: … =Damanique (um, yeah… the URL doesn’t work right because of the acronym script. ^^)
and here:

The entries of the latter are usually but not always private, though, and doubles as my writing journal… ^^ Um… I’m not a journal addict. Why would you say such a thing. :gni:

Moogle, that privacy issue would be a big problem, especially if you’ve got little kids around… so I use abbreviations that only I can decipher and stuff. If I want to say “Had sex” I would probably use RPRDCD (Reproduced) in my written journal. Then later I can remember that I used that stand in and eventually transfer it to my computer passworded journal. If I want, I can have it encoded many times with many passwords, but that would take a long time.

:neutral: I would love to keep one but abbreviations wouldn’t help if they could be guessed as my “little kids” aren’t quite so little! :smile: (16, 19 and 22). Plus an inquisitive hubby. Problem isn’t it?

I keep a journal, but I don’t usually put much detail into it. I find that just a few key words or sentences are usually enough to bring the entire thing back when I read over it in the morning. Every few days I write some of them up in full detail on the team forum, particularly if I was lucid, or there was some other significance to it.

I also keep a journal - I have a little notepad that I write down most of the dream in along with the time I slept and woke up, foods I ate before sleeping, methods, sex/no sex, music I listened to while sleeping, etc. then once I have a few dreams down in the journal, I type them up, and it’s a huge help for recall.