How many RCs do you do each day?

I thought I would ask how many RCs you people do each day :smile: Since I’ve started doing them again after not doing that many at all the past few months. And after 4 days of RCing I remember doing one in a dream :cool_laugh: But it showed that I was awake :sad:

I would say I do about 2 to 10 during 1 hour depending on what I’m doing at the time. So that makes something like 50 each day I guess :razz:

Hm… I have absolutly no idea :wink:.

zero (but perhaps that’s why I only have like 20 - 30 LD’s a month…:wink: )

I do one every time I see local football players, and when i go to sleep…probably about 10 a day now. :cool: If I only could remember to do one when I dream about football, too!

I have no idea either. Let’s see…

I did 3-4 SERIOUS RC-s today evening when driving about 2.5 hours on slippery road with heavy rain.

I did some RC-s in other cases too today.

So i think it makes 10-20 RC-s per day for me. I should do them more frequently and very soon after i see something weird IRL. Otherwise it will be the same in some ND: i see 5 minutes some weird stuff and the ND succeeds to end before i manage to get my first RC :neutral:

Well lets see,anytime I use the bathroom I do an RC(most my dreams start in a bathroom) so thats about 6 times a day.
Anytime I eat an apple so thats 3 more a day.
And lastly anytime I see a mirror so thats about 15 times a day.
So about 24 times a day give or take a few.

I try to do an RC when I see my friends. I find that they are a common dreamsign of mine :smile: Of course, they don’t believe in Lucid Dreaming, and they make fun of meditation, so I sort of have to do it secretly.

That rules out the nose RC. Instead I look at them and think, “Am I dreaming?”. I guess I do about 10-20 a day :smile:

I try to keep a constant focus on lucid dreaming throughout the day(practice for MILD). I’m good at “multi-tasking” so that doesn’t prevent me from concentrating on anything else. So, I do about 20-30 RCs a day, none of which have any particular trigger.

When I first started I used to do about 5 RCs in one hour,… doing one everytime I notice a dream sign or something… But RCed never worked until I became lazy and I was doing like 5 a day(hardly!) ! :confused: I usually do a RC when I wake up, or when something very very strange happens…

I bought this yellow dice on vacation once, and I put it in my pocket. Every time I notice it, I do the RC’s of counting my fingers and plugging my nose and trying to breathe. Both of them have worked. And it seems like within four days in a row with the dice in my pocket, I’m guaranteed to have an LD.

5 very profound RCs per day now (but I’m trying to increase it; problem is to remember it doing them). And they’re working! :smile:

RC’s do seem to have an effect. I keep meaning to pick up on my RCs, but I forget.