How many reality checks per day?

I’m finally getting confidence in my DR, so I need next to start practicing RC’s 24/7. And I just want to get an idea of how much I’ll be doing them. So I’d be most pleased if you’d answer the question:

How many reality checks do you make a day?

I’m just asking for an estimate, it doesn’t have to be an exact number :razz:

Just through out the day ask yourself, “am I dreaming?” Then check, just try to do it consistently. Anything you think is good probably is.

I used to do hundreds of spontaneous ones throughout the day. I def. don’t recommend it.

You could just recognize DS’s and oddities that happen throughout the day and do RC’s when you recognize these. That way, you will get it registered into your train of throught. By thinking like this, you will RC when, say, your toilet is on the ceiling or something, and you’ll find yourself dreaming!!

Also, when you notice something about dreaming or RC’s around you (i.e. this forum) it’s a good idea to RC also. :wink:

Yeah, but what’s wrong with doing a lot of RCs throughout the day? If it gets a habit of you, you will do it in your dreams too.

The most important when doing RC’s is questioning the reality. Thus you have to focus a little. Rc’s are said to work better when you perform more than 5 RC’s a day. I don’t like performing thousands of RC’s cause it generally becomes an automatism and you don’t really question reality.

Thus I would say: about 10 a day.

Yes, true, I had my first LD that night, but got sick and tired of doing RC’s. I quit RC’s for a week or so before continuing by solely recognizing odd things happening throughout the day.

Also, read Basilius West’s comment.

RCs haven’t worked for me thus far, but they do have other benefits besides helping get you lucid. They can make you more aware of your surroundings in reality (especially in the morning when you’re not fully awake), and they let you practice expectation (an important part of LDing).

Although, I do have a question about RCing. I hope you don’t mind me asking here :smile:

In a ND, you pretty much lose all natural thought process. “Oh look, a donkey is tap dancing at my 569th birthday party! Neat!” If you did happen to do an RC during a dream, why does that work? If you can suddenly breathe through your nose while its plugged, wouldn’t you just accept that as “normal?”

Soccerfan01. If you always question reality when you do RCs then you will do it when dreaming too. In fact. If you don’t they may not work as i have experienced when I dreamed about explaining RCs but didn’t question reality. I did the hand check and it looked completely normal. It’s like you can dream about doing a RC or you can ACTUALLY do one.
A tip for questioning reality if you find it difficult is to think back to a time when you were dreaming and though “hey this is like a dream, But I know it isn’t.” or “this better not turn out to be a dream.” That makes me look harder.

That is why you need to thnk about LD’ing and read about LD’ing. You have to get your SC to be aware that you want to be lucid in your dreams. In an ND your SC is just playing around, or trying to get you to see things that you have not yet seen, depending on your point of view. :wink:
If you havn’t convinced your SC that you want to become lucid in your dreams, then nothing will work, no RC’s no WILD no DILD etc. Once you have convinced your SC, then things will start working. That means that you have to make sure that your SC knows that it is important to you to become lucid. When you do an RC, ask yourself, “am I dreaming? what would be different if I was dreaming?” This is what Basilus West means when he said

It is not just pluging your nose 20 times a day, or looking at your hands 20 times a day, it is questioning reality every time you do an RC, or see something that is not normal.
So go out there and convince your SC that you really really really want an LD :wink: