How many times have you experienced SP?

moogle wrote

Really, how is your way to get LDs? My DR is not working as it should do, some days it works fine. About SP, it is odd that some SPs are just shutdowns of nerves, sometimes you are completely elsewhere.

Please moogle tell how you do get lucid.

[mod]replied in your dj so this topic doesn’t go off topic :moogle: [/mod}

I have had it like 50-60 times. They where all extremely terrifying until I read it was completely harmless. Since then I just try to relax and enjoy the show :tongue:.

Its always fun to see new members, about SP, I have experienced it countless times, yes it is scary first time you feel it.

:welcome: to LD4all krikke321 (I know its the mods job to welcome new members, I was just bored :happy: )

Two times I was fully awake with SP. Neither of them were scary because my eyes were closed, so no old hags, but one time I heard my Father’s voice, and thought I was actually hearing him, but it turned out to be a hallucination.
I had one strange episode of SP that quickly turned into a LD via a vivid HI. I wasn’t completely in the dream. I was still aware of being paralysed in bed, but at the same time I was in this dream, and I didn’t have control over the dream body. My consciousness was just sitting in it. My dream body was getting thrown on the floor and attacked, and it really hurt, but I was still aware of being in bed through all of it. It lasted about a minute before I was ablew to shake the SP off.

ooh dang ,
last night i actually had the old hag .
I had SP for 30 minutes but didn’t really do anything, so i just
went back to normal sleeping. Soon after, it began to heat up
like crazy and getting dizzy; I pulled the blanket a little lower and
layed flat on my back. I began to realize I had SP again and
I thought to myself, “ooo, maybe I’ll get old hag…” and as soon
as I said that in my mind, there she was. My eyes were opened
in slits though, knowing I would be hella terrified to see her.
I had checkered-style HI and an introductory hypnagogic spiraling slinky noise …
(if you get me …) it began to wear off, and I said “damnit, old hag!” (In my
mind, of course) and it repeated the old hag cycle over again, just with stronger
pressure all over my chest and arms. It was as if I was gonna be raped :confused:
I tried moving my toe, but I couldn’t. I could only feel the sense of wanting
to move it. The old hag wasn’t that ugly … she just had long black hair, white skin
and a white dress being reflected from my white night light :smile:
I didn’t want it anymore so I moved my pinky and completely snapped out of it.
Since last night, I wasn’t able to get sleep until the last 2 hours before I got up
for band practice. (Which I had to miss, since I was dead sleepy.)

  • Wasn’t scary though, and around 10 seconds
    as well. I knew what I had coming for me. :smile:

A few days ago I got SP for the 4th time. For some reason, after that. Everything felt more “real” to me. It’s hard to explain. Normally if I were to touch my hand, I would think nothing of it. But after that if I were to touch my hand. It felt different. Like I was more aware of what was happening and for some reason amazed by it. Has anyone else ever been through this?

I had my first one yesterday. It felt amazing actually because I felt like I was shooting upwards towards the sky. It only lasted briefly though and every time I tried it last night after the sp, I would only end up with a racing heart and sweat drench convers. How can I get them more often? And if you use that flying technique with the obe, will it make a lucid dream?

I think that i had like 3-4 times…or even 5
Anyway as my understandig goes like this.
SP is like a separation of councious from the psihic mind and goes to the spirit body ( eteric, astral…call it as u wish)
In that state u have acces to the astral plane …and there …even subcouncios if u feel like someone is there…even though it isn’t …it will became into a very real dream…We have a big power …our thoughts can be materialized in that realm.
In my SP…even though I didn’t had scary images .I was literaly scared the shit out of me…my heart was pumping…and was an incredible rush.
You should hear Albert Taylor ( do a search on youtube)…you will uderstand more. That guy is a NASA scientist …so it may be considered a very reliable source.

Hear him out.