Has anybody ever had a dream that’s so real and vivid it seems like waking life? A lot of people have mentioned doing reality checks when they wake up to be sure it’s not a false awakining. Are your dreams actually so real that you can’t tell the difference when you wake up, whether it’s false or not?
sometimes i have dreams that seem more “real” (what does “real” mean anyway?) than waking life. but usually it’s at least as vivid as IRL
and when you wake up from a lucid dream and you think you’re in your bed but you’re really still dreaming. man, it pisses you off so much when you wake up for real. one time i woke up and looked at the clock and then i woke up for real and remembered that there’s no way i can see the clock from my bed with my eyesight w/o my contacts or glasses
Yes, if you had perfect recall, every dream would be vivid and real IMO.
I don’t see how perfect recall would make dreams more ‘real’ or vivid, since you can clearly contemplate on the realism and clarity while in the dream. But yeah, dreams can be intensely real. Usually, the more control you take over the dream, the more ‘real’ it gets, since your mind starts to organize it in a way that it’s used to experiencing the world. That obviously doesn’t include OBElike dreams or FAs… Or, anyhow, that’s my take on it. Of course, you can always use your willpower to change or do things more surreal or unreal. I tend to always push my finger through the window before trying to fly. Just in case… I live on the second floor.
On another note, the mind seems to want the dream to be real, probably because it’s not used to the weird place that is lucid dreaming (unless, perhaps, if you’re a natural). Every time I have had an OBElike dream, it feels so real that I just have to do some sort of ‘reality test’, like looking under the couch and later, when awake, checking if the same objects are there. (Yeah, poor proof, and besides, it has never worked.) I have to do the test even though there are things around me that clearly don’t belong there.
Anyhow, I’m tired. Blue skies, everyone.
What I mean is that I believe that all the dreams are equally vivid and equally real. Its just are how we remember them that makes them seem less real or more real than others.
Did you catch my drift or did your head explode?
I have no “evidence” to support it. All I have is my logic. Since the dreams are essentially memories we can compare them to memories. How well can you remember brushing your teeth last week? Not very well if at all. And if you did it probably isn’t in the same crystal clarity that you remember your first kiss, your graduation, your wedding night ect. Yet although those things are equally real and equally vivid at the time.
i disagree with that, i have had a few lucid dreams in which my dream was foggie kinda blurie in the dream now i know this wasnot my memorie because in teh dream i stood there and asked my brother why is my dream foggie?
i was lucid and i mad it clear and i havent come across it again, strange no
Yes, i have had a few of those! they are amazing… But sadly i can far from say the same about all lucid dreams… Some of them can be very hazy, while others actually seem more real than waking life!“all senses seem more intense”
I guess only like 20% of my lds, that is very realistic.
Thats not the case for me… I have lds where i can perfectly recall every detail, even remember thinking to myself during the dream: This dream is indeed not very realistic/vivid…
So it cannot be the recall, since i notice this during the dream.
How do you explain that i notice that dream if the dream is very vivid/less vivid during the dream itself? When lucid, i can clearly notice the difference… I have had dreams where i think to myself: WOW this is a vivid dream!! while other dreams i say to myself: damn… my vision is blurry… tactical sensation seem less vivid, no smell, taste not very realistic and so on…
My theory is that it depends on how much your “concious” (waking life) mind is awake in the dream. If your awake mind is all there, it would seem as real, or more real, then real life. This is just a theory. I, of course, don’t have the experience to back it up.
I envy you people with such amazing dream clarity…I don’t think I’ve ever had a dream as real as “reality”, thats why I had to ask if people do. If I manage to induce a lucid dream, perhaps I can attain that level of clarity…that would fulfill a very deep-running wish of mine.
The “bluriness” at the beginning of lucid dreams could easily be attributed to a groginess at first awakening inside the dream. Every dream I’ve had since school let out has been in crystal clarity, perfectly real and vivid beyond belief.
This dosent mean it applies for all… Its different for each person.
There is also people who can LD whenever they want, while others have tried to LD for years, without any success at all.
I’m closing in on the year mark. And I am FAR from successful, aka an astounding 2 low level LDs in 10 months accompanied by 3 lucid moments. All bow before me
Everyone should be able of nearly total recall, as far as I know dreams are a product of your subconsciousness. As such you actually remember more than well, actually everything. However, as you become lucid, you are also more conscious, as such LD with little consciousness (control) should be most vivid, i.e. you are not constantly creating, but working with what you already had before lucidity.
Best wishes
I remember a few years ago I would have super clear dreams that I would wake up from and think "Wow, yesterday was exciting wasn’t it?! … hang on a second… DAMN! it was all a dream. These days though my recall is terrible, dreams are really blurry and I can’t remember anything when I wake up, I only remember them about an hour after getting up.