hello everyone, i had my first short LD last week (also got halfway out of my body ) thanks to waking up then going back to sleep and hour later in the early morning…and am looking foreward to trying again tomarow morning, but want i want to know is does it get easier?
I can only imagine that as we have more LDs and we get used to it…it would become something of a habit if you will, just our minds and body’s understand what we’re trying to do, like a task we get used to acpomplishing…just asking for your personal expiriences. thanx,
Yes, it can becomes easier, but it depends for some people. Though, I guareete you that it doesn’t happen overnight. You must slowly build up your talent, just like when you’re learning something new. You must patiently build up your talent before you become a pro in this area. Just continue build up your talent in LDing, and you will find that it becomes easier and easier. Just don’t ever give up! Good luck on your journey.
Like DM7 said, it doesn’t happen over night. I have been rembering my dreams and trying to LD for the last 4 months, and I have had a total of 4 lucid dreams. They where short but cool. I had one just last night, I was walking down the hall in my house and became lucid, and I was trying to stableize myself in the dream, and then I saw a mirror, I guess I willed it there, and I picked it up and saw myself in it, and I could feel myself sink back into the dream, I did that 2 times but I finally blacked out. I notice once I become lucid my body naturally wakes up, I have to force myself to stay in the dream. I guess my body will eventually get used to me being in control while I am still dreaming, just like how I taught myself to rember my dreams every day. Keep at it, and good luck
just look at ol’ stephen laberge, when he started it took him years for his first (but he didn’t have all this info) and now he has them everynight. like everyone said, it’s a skill, and like all skills, practice makes perfect . (I sound like a mom when I said that… )
i’m pretty new to dreaming, but it was getting pretty easy like last month, LDing a lot, but i didn’t keep up the discipline in any way and i lost it. now i’m getting it back little by little ian
Yes, it does get easier. The more effort you put into it the more you will get out of it. It is also important not to try to hard . When I first started. I did all the suggested things. Journal, DS, RC, Changed a few sleeping habits. I instantly starting getting results. After awhile I started having at least one LD a week. Then I started having allot of LD’s.
Suddenly it seemed like I stopped making progress. Maybe even was going backwards. So I figured I was trying to hard and cut back completely on all dream studies. Quit doing RC, stopped my journal. I even quit intending on recalling any dreams. Well my dream recall went down and so did my LDs, but I was still having the occasional LD. Along with allot more non lucid dreams then I ever had before.
Six months later. I was still not practicing any Dreaming techniques or recall of any sort, But I was still having many dreams and about 1 LD a month. I noticed that my dream count both Lucid and non lucid. Where not degrading in any way. So I was thinking I would see If I could advance my skill further, and I’m Back on the Board. Starting up all the LD techniques .I couldn’t remember my old user name and password. So I had to make a new one.
So now I am going to advance a little more and, make it easier
shrugshappened over night for me,though,I usually have a high amount of success with anything of this nature,I had a long ld my first dream after i learned about lding