how often do you dream you are somebody else?

The coolest “other person” dream i had was when I was an alien trying to get to earth. The world was so beautiful and sureal. i wish I was lucid :sad: . oh well, There’s always next time :happy: .

See ya later :content: .

Whatever I post dies… :cry:

I always have this kind of dream :content:
Almost everytime I’m a disembodied observer, I enter some dream characters’ minds and become them for a while.

I also had some nice dreams where I was the other person all the time, like one time, when I was cross with my mother, so I dreamt I was her and sew how stressing her life may be. Then I apologized. I got really sorry for being cross with her. [=

i once dreamt that i was sailor moon this was a long time ago really weird dream

When I was younger, I always started out as myself and then added to me or others consciously. Now though, I almost always am either an outside spectator or another character.

One way I get lucidity is by assembling a new character for me to interact in my dream with or take the body of an existing one. Its fun. :smile:

I can remember one of the few in particular where I was a 5-year-old blond girl as opposed to a 16-year-old Black guy.

It was strange being a girl, but kind of fun at the same time–though, I was mostly scared, considering it was a nightmare :hide:.

I was also a monkey once :unsure:

Well, it does NOT happen a lot, but sometimes…I get 30 years older…And I see no difference! It’s just “me”, and I accept it.

I’ve been a music teacher, swimming teacher, math teac…wait a minute…! Does this mean teacher’s always old? Or does it mean that although my mind’s denying it, I want to be a teacher??? :cry: :help:

I think I was also Spongebob once–or was it Patrick…? :unsure: