How often does our brain activity reach Gamma in real life?

I know that the Gamma stage of brain activity is very common during lucid dreams, but how often do we experience that level in real life?
It seems to me like this stage is almost unique for lucid dreaming, and that we don’t seem to reach such a level in waking life for whatever reason.
What exactly does it mean to have a Gamma brain activity?

Wikipedia said

I think you can easily achieve this brain activity by trying to identify in which state of awareness you are (Dreaming or Waking), by asking yourself:
• Am I dreaming? or awake?
• Where am I? What is this place?
If you try it, you can feel the difference in you awareness, therefore in your brain activity. But I might be wrong.

Thank you.
Yeah you may be right, the reason I was wondering was because I read somewhere that the Gamma activity was “a unique level of brain activity that is reached during lucid dreams”.
It kinda sounded like they were implying that this activity was only possible during lucid dreams.

But of course, the Beta stage is the normal stage when you are awake and somewhat aware, so it makes sense that Gamma could be reached by simply paying more attention than normal to your surroundings.