How on earth do I play "Dungeons and dragons"

I know this has nothing to do with LD, but I can’t find any guide on the internet on playing deogeons and dragons. Can some one give me a step guide on how to play. The instructions I have got are so fragmented that I can’t make heads or tails of most of the game.

For example, “Now seperate the deck in to three piles. Items, special items and monsters.” Well how do I identify which are the special ones?

Arrrgghh, this whole game had narked me off :grrr:

Technodreamer :cool:

Technodreamer to play D&D you nead at least 3 people but i recommend more. One to be the dungeon master and the rest to play the characters. If you want to know how to play it find someone who is familiar with the rules and ask if you can play. That’s the easy way. You can also buy the books called ‘dungeonmaser guide’ and ‘players handbook’ and ‘monster manual’ by ‘wizards of the coast’. (or dld them in .pdf). This game is ‘bigger than life’ and takes some time to get used to but if you get it it’s pleasure for a lifetime I think (if you can find the friends to play with). Are you sure u got the right rules? Cause where the f*** do you nead that deck for?

yeah, you can just bop down to the local hobby shop, pick up the rule books, read them and try to remember what all you can of the rules. then you should try and do as much planning as you can and develop some cool places for the characters to go and neat things/people for them to meet/kill

Also you might try:
call of cthulhu
car wars
the red dwarf roleplaying game
or if you’re feeling gothy you can get vampire the masquerade

if you look at the rulebooks and it looks like too much for you to deal with, you and your pals could all get a copy of neverwinter nights, and you could download a neat campaign and play together, it has pretty much 3rd edition DnD rules and is designed for multiplayer.

if it’s just you looking for a roleplaying game, I strongly suggest angband or zangband - go to and be prepared to die. a lot. but it’s really really fun.