how real is a lucid dream

how real is a lucid dream dose it feel like your in reality or it feels like an illusion . i cant wait intell my first one

There are differant levels of lucidness. some times it can seem like a cartoon. but if your lucky and get a high level one its beyond real…

All of the senses you have in your waking life, you will have in a High level LD. like dfslkfsd said some are beyond real.

You can get ones that are just like in RL, which rock…

Mine are very real. Everything feels just like it would in waking life. Sometimes even better!

i caould not imagine them being like RL. when i got my few low level LD’s, they seemed like the most bizzarre exp ever.

well, with alot of experiance you can remain conscious in a LD longer… I had a very high level LD once but I drifted in and out of consciousness so the dream was not as real as it should have been. While I was conscious though I asked myself “this is to real… what if I am not dreaming?”

Not saying that your inexperianced or anything… I just sayin that the more you LD I would assume the more vivid they become.

I had lucid dreams that were so real that even though I was 100% sure I was dreaming, I was afraid to do dangerous things like jumping from a high place, and had to take a dozen RCs before I finally did it. But at first I used to think that LDs weren’t very real because once I woke up, it all seemed like an illusion. But that’s the way it is with real memories! just think back to something exciting you did an hour ago, it doesn’t really seem so real!But at the time it is happening, everything thing in high level lucid dream seems more real than reality itself.

Most of mine feel perfectly real - which is why I end up having to take loads of RC’s in them :tongue:.

thanks for answering. i am going to a get this book called lucid dreams in 30 days and i will learn how to have ld but is there ways to induce the high amont of lucidness

thanks for answering. i am going to a get this book called lucid dreams in 30 days and i will learn how to have ld but is there ways to induce the high amont of lucidness

The easiest way is to simply increase your lucidity once your already lucid. There are loads of different ways - the simplest is just saying, ‘Increase lucidity now!’

I would recommend Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams, by Stephen LaBerge. It is by far the best book out there, and while I have heard good things about the book you plan to buy… this is still better.

And by the way, I have only had a couple lucid dreams, but they were as real as anything I’ve experienced. Unfortunately the memory of it slips away very fast for me, so now all I have left is what I wrote about them.

FFlare: when in the LD, look at something interessting that you wish to remember. Consider how realistic is. If you can, touch it to and consider how realistic that is as well. I find that helps me to remember.

As real as you make them.

That summarizes it perfectly :wink: The only boundary is your own mind. In the beginning, when you don’t have much experience, it can be hard to overcome the various annoying side-effects of this low-level LDing. But as your dream mind becomes more free of the restrictions of waking life, you can change the dream into ever more higher levels of reality if you like. But as with everything, it takes quite some experience, practice and patience before you get there :smile:

My LDs are usually “adaptive”, the more I focus on one thing the more real they get. Like today in a LD I saw some girls, at first I couldn’t really see what they looked like but after 1 sec or so I could see them perfectly :cool_laugh: and I realised that I’ve never seen any of them before…

my low lucidity dream last night was full of FA. I had about 4 of them.
The thing is i kept waking up thinking this was realy life un till strange things happned. I was always lucid from the beginning but because i thought it was real life i didnt know i was dreaming…

Fry in Futurama: Why should I got outside?
Leela: Because you should see the real world!
Fry: But this TV has better resolution than the real world!