I still haven’t ever woken up and not been able to move, but I want to experiance it (and try having a OOBE)
Any sugestions as to how wake up in paralysis??
Thanx for any help
I still haven’t ever woken up and not been able to move, but I want to experiance it (and try having a OOBE)
Any sugestions as to how wake up in paralysis??
Thanx for any help
Hm SP is more easily experienced when you go to bed extremely tired. This is also favorable for WILD.
Also, you have the best chances of experiencing SP if you’re sleeping on your back. Don’t ask me why, but it really helps if you’re lucky
I think there are some other techniques… argh can’t remember them.
If I wake up from a nightmare I’m usually in a SP. But the easyest way to geet a SP is to focus on your body when you go to sleep. Try to relax your body completely while focusing on it. For me it usually take about 30 minutes to get a tingling sensation in my body.
I get SP all the time and have recently started or been able to go into SP from directly going to bed. Personally the more tired i am the harder it is to keep my mind awake. You could make yourself physically tired but not mentally exert yourself so then itd be easier to hang on till SP but ive never tried that.
The main thing is to totally silence your mind otherwise it still thinks you are awake, kind of like going into a trance but still being a sort of distant observer. In this way meditation really, really helps. In fact, thru the various stages from going to sleep and to OBE the transitions require total mind silence and lack of desire or intent (which seems to hinder progress). My DJ on this site has a lot of info on it if ur interested, links in my sig. But yeah, you’ll be in like a dark trance like state, distant observer, and then SP will just hit you like a bunch of weight on you. This reawakens your consciousness and thoughts and you totally know it cuz you try to move your arm or something, and it WONT its fun.
if you’re terrible at WILD (like me) you can also get into sleep paralysis from an LD. i’ve done it about twice so far. i became lucid and intended to rise into my physical body by belly flopping into the ground and it worked for me.
now wiggling out of my body… that’s a different story
the one time I WILDed at night it was an accident, and I dont’ remember how
now I’m back to drifting out and jerking back awake over and over again.
The best way to reach SP is to relax your body and keep your consciousness very slightly awake.
See the big WILD topic for more info. I don’t think I ever woke up into SP. I know some people do but does not work for me. Also you can learn about meditation or self hypnosis.
ok…thankyou, I’ll try the relax technique first, I’m usualy good at keeping my mind clear.
sleeping on back works if you sleep on a side, eventually you roll on your back
also an intention like MILD worked once for me
I have no experiences with lucid dreaming other then OBE’s directly from being awake. Conscious relaxation is the prooven method. Eventually you will be able to induce OBE’s consciously with it, but at first it will just stimulate the occurance of unintended OBE’s at other times, especially when you wake up early and keep lying.
The best method for me is from hatha-yoga called sawasana (corpse pose). You ly down, and start sonsciously relaxing the body, from left foot to right foot, all the way upwards. After that you can try methods like counting your breath, and with every exhale autosuggesting your body to sink into the surface. Best to make it a habbit before going to sleep, not focussing on wanting to OBE at all, because it may take some time to become very good at it.
Next step will be to overcome fear when the paralysis starts. Even when prepared; once paralysis starts I often automatically try to break out of it, and often ‘succeed’ before the real experience has started.
Most of the times that I had SP was from taking a nap. Taking a nap is also one of the best ways to LD, that I have experienced. Oh, and this is just my opinion, I hate SP. It scraes me to death, but I found a way to stop it almost immediatly. I wiggle my toes. Strange I know, but for some reason, my toes are, I guess, the easiest part of my body to move. When I realize that I’m in SP I first must calm my self down (because I’m so scared that I can’t move) then I realize what’s going on and I tell my toes to move. Weird
Most of the times that I had SP was from taking a nap. Taking a nap is also one of the best ways to LD, that I have experienced. Oh, and this is just my opinion, I hate SP. It scraes me to death, but I found a way to stop it almost immediatly. I wiggle my toes. Strange I know, but for some reason, my toes are, I guess, the easiest part of my body to move. When I realize that I’m in SP I first must calm my self down (because I’m so scared that I can’t move) then I realize what’s going on and I tell my toes to move. Weird
can you get into SP at night as soon as you try to sleep, or do you have to wait until youve been asleep for ages first? or is that only for REM sleep?
It can happen anytime…tho most people report it AFTER they woke up and seems like naps trigger it more easily.
And when your in SP can you have an OOBE by rolling out of your body? I think I read that somewhere…