Well, over my school holidays, I took a break from my quest for Lucidity, as I got a lot less sleep, and if I stay up late, I have no dream re-call. Yesterday I decided to start my DJ again, and Lucky me I had my second LD!
In this dream I was walking with my friend. I had no Idea where we were, and kept having this feeling that he would disappear and I would be lost. I kept thinking I would get lost in a certain place - the place were I got lost in my first LD.
I thought, I must dreaming and did a RC to confirm this.
Now - in the first one I woke myself up purposly as I didn’t like been lost.
In this one even though I was saying to myself - Stay Calm ( as I knew getting excited would wake myself up ) my body seemed to have a mind of it’s own. I tried stopping myself but my body seemed to control me - Make me yell out to my friend "
Oh, my god Dude I’m dreaming!! I’m Dreaming!! "
It seems whenever I get Lucid, although I am aware I am dreaming, I still have no control, of myself, let alone the dream.
Anyway I can improve this?