How to get really long LDs

I just finished the first page of writerscube’s most recent DJ, and I saw that many of his LDs were very long (one was 2 weeks). I would very much like to have these long LDs, so to all those that have multiple day LDs, I have a few questions.

How do you sleep, or If you dont, what do you do(I would think that sleeping in a LD would wake you up)? How to you keep track of time in the LD? Do you (for lack of a better word) spawn into existance in the same place when entering LDs? Do you before bed decide how long it will be? What is the longest LD youve had? Do you do something in the LD that allows you to spend a long time in the dream? And anything else that you may feel you should tell me.

Eagerly awaiting replys,

Moved from General Lucidness :dragon:

What is the longest LD youve had?
One night’s sleep (that should have been about 8 hours), brought a dream about a day trip plus a dream-within-a-dream. I could swear I experienced every second, when the morning turned to afternoon turned to evening, but there’s no rule that says the dream-sun can’t shift imperceptibly faster than a waking-life watch should. Supposedly REM phase only takes minutes of our sleeping time, so it must be some trick of my memory.

Another dream did this movie-like thing where it would hiccup to another scene. It still felt really long, though. The dream was set over about 3 days. The time I feel that I really experienced the dream? A little over 4 hours. (And again, was sleeping for about 8 hours and should have been dreaming for about 5 minutes.) Some ND’s got mixed in.

How do you sleep, or If you dont, what do you do?
How? Well, in one of those dreams I mentioned, I slept on my back… in another I slept on my side… Or did you mean, like, I’m a really deep sleeper: one morning I woke up to my roommate kicking me and crying because she’d forgotten her keys, and had spent the last hour shouting at the door hoping that I could easily wake up and let her in. It was a small flat, with thin walls and fantastic acoustics, and she had to pick the lock. I felt bad :sad: If I don’t sleep, and there’s nothing good to read until I get sleepy, I put together weird midnight snacks…

How to you keep track of time?
Sunlight in the dream. Events, or even lack of events-- just how long it feels when everything’s set but nothing’s really happening. Unreliable things like that. I would count my heartbeats, but I’d found that thinking about my physical body usually wakes me up for real. Besides, if I’m excited then my pulse should go quicker and that would not be more reliable.

Do you (for lack of a better word) spawn into existance in the same place when entering LDs?
Nope. Well, sometimes, but not my doing. I just see where my mind takes me, and get where I want to go from there. And just because one dream takes several days, doesn’t mean that the days follow each other, so sometimes I don’t even spawn in the same place in the same dream.

Do you before bed decide how long it will be?
Nuh-uh. Sometimes it’s only a moment, usually it’s a 5 to 15 minutes long event, rarely more than two days.

Do you do something in the LD that allows you to spend a long time in the dream?
Not that I know of, but it might have helped immensely that in waking life I recorded my ND’s, one of which cast me as an imaginary friend of a baby that I watched grow up, so, that ND must have spanned years. I didn’t recall ND’s at all before then. I’ve mentioned the lucid Memory Download that I’ve wanted to try, but I think I’ll use it for when the dream takes me into a series of events that would take years to resolve. The Lucid Dojo uses the “Hanub Ku” a symbol for time being an illusion, but I haven’t been inclined to visit the dojo to see if it’s more than a squiggle :wink: