How to get to a specific location ?

Hi !
Well, i had this problem, i want to go to my high school in my dream.
I use SSILD, but i become lucid in random places each time, and beleiving that a place is in the other side of the door didn’t work.
And when i do WILD (in my case DEILD) i can’t see to visulise my school… My room ok, but i just can’t…

I really want to go there, and i want to see a friend. Any tips ? :tongue:

hello :happy: im actually confused when i see those terms and guides that seems complicated about lucid dream. because i often lucid dream since i was a child naturally. and i went to places i want and meet people i want by just imaginaning or put my will into it. like i think “ok i want to do this or go there or meet someone” and i put my will and its there. if ive been there its easier. whats hard for me is i try to create a movie in my dream but i find it hard to create the detail part and arrange everything :sad:
so i could only say maybe try to put will into it imagine it really hard.

I hearded some people change the scenery by either spinning or closing their eyes for a few seconds (warning: this may wake you up)
I have to admit that I never tried this, so I can’t guarantee that they will work :smile:

How do you get to school IRL? Is it far away? I usually steal a fast car or motorcycle if I want to go to a known place along a road in a LD. It doesn’t bend the laws of physics too bad, so it could be easier to control.

Its to hard… i dont think so its possible…

Use a little bit matter over mind for a second. If you need an aid to help you, remember the address of your school before you go to bed. Include it in your mantras even so you can remember it in your dreams.
When you are in a LD, reach into your pocket, and pull something out,-- oh look, it’s a GPS! Expect it to be one, anyways. Once you have your GPS, input the address of your school and click GO or teleport. With this action, it should transport you to the school.
Again, this is all YOUR imagination. Make it happen with a little bit of your own confidence.

Use your imagination. Remember, you can do anything you can think of in your dreams. My favorite method changing locations is to teleport. I have a necklace in my dreams that allows me to teleport to any location that I am thinking of. I also create portals sometimes.

This mentality isn’t good for lucid dreaming or dream control. You can do anything you want in your dreams. Usually if you don’t believe that you can do something, it won’t work. Confidence is very important.