How to give yourself nightmares

Hey Fallen Youth,

Before starting with LDing again, I didn’t have a nightmare for many many years. But when starting to try WILD at bedtime (which never worked, and is very difficult btw.) I was falling asleep and “waking up” into SP about 90 minutes after that. And I had some very frightening nightmares by that, because when you can’t move and the blanket feels as if it is made of lead then you will probably meet the “Old Hag” and hallucinate about all the frightening things you may encounter while being fixed to you bed.

If you want to risk it, I would recommend some attempts :wink:

PS: Or you could try that cat method of Siiw - I remember some movie where those cats lying on your chest are “stealing your breath” while you are sleeping :happy:

it’s interesting, nightmares are the main thing that triggers lucidity for me… the fear that “I’m so scared I wish this was a dream…oh wait, it is”

yes! i definitely am a adrenaline junkie, i love it haha but i just need that extra push of adrenaline when i wake up, it feels awesome if you know what i mean. still haven’t had a nightmare since like…i don’t even know haha but for some reason all the scary movies and all that don’t ever work! but i did like Kenty’s sleep paralysis idea, its pretty hard for me though but ill keep trying, any more tips and tricks are welcome thanks you guys! :happy:

Have you ever heard of Binaural beats? If you haven’t, look them up.
Anyway, most of them are really uplifting, but there are some that can make you anxious, scared, etc.
I haven’t used them yet, but my brother has and several other people I know :spinning: