How to increase possibility to dream about a certain subject

Hey everyone,

Sorry about the long title :content: Couldn’t find a proper way to say it in short.

Anyways, sometimes there are things I want to dream about, but those dreams are just extemely rare. For example, when I was a kid I once had a dream about being on a different planet and the adventure was just really amazing. I since then thought that it would be cool to have another dream like that again, but in another 10 years it has only happened like another 2 times or something.

Is there a way to increase the chance to dream about a certain subject? Should I spend more of my night reading stuff about the subject on the internet? Are there other ways?

Ofcourse it is all possible when lucid, but that’s not what I always am :tongue:


the answer is right in front of you. shoot for a lucid dream. when your aware that your dreaming, you can do whatever you want

Yeah but I am trying that too, every day. However I was wondering if it’s possible without lucid dreams for the time being. Not that my dreams are boring (not always :tongue: )

you should try WILDing. it’s way faster then DILDing (if your using that technique). i made some thread helping on WILD

mmm i would love to here more about this topic

I don’t think you understand his question. He doesn’t necessarily wasn’t to induce it as a LD; instead, he simply wants to know how to induce any dream (LD or, more likely, ND) so that it’s plot revolves around that subject.

I would reccomend reading about that subject or otherwise thinking about it before going to bed and purposely initiating a daydream about it as you fall asleep so that hopefully your mind will take the daydream and expand upon it, and eventually it would turn into a dream. You could also try repeating mantras before bed (I will dream about subject).

At least thats my understanding. You may want to ask someone more qualified on the matter than I.

So what your talking about is dream incubation. search the forums there is a lot of information out there.
There are few different approaches, but the key is to keep the thoughts in your mind as your sleep.
So the easiest way is to simply think about what you want to dream about before you sleep.
You can also try a mantra - " I will dream about x to night" repeat that until you fall asleep
Your 3rd choice takes more work. Plan the dream out and as you are trying to fall asleep ‘play’ the dream back in your mind. Try and get as much detail as you can and just keep playing in back.

Yeah, motagota explained what I was trying to say a little better.

I’ve seen some great hints I could try. Thanks!

Last night I already tried it a little, but because I was so focused on trying it, I couldn’t sleep very well. :confused:

Oh well, got to try again :content: