I was thinking about it, and i dont understand. When your awake and you ask yourself if your dreaming, the answer right away is no, because you know that your not dreaming. But why is it in dreams, you DONT know if your dreaming. Your like, hmmm, it might be a dream but i think im awake…
So i thought what if we trained ourself to think if we are ure about being awake or asleep…were asleep! Would that work?
I don’t see how it is done. If you are sure that you are awake, then you are already sure. If you are sure you are dreaming then you are already lucid dreaming, or having a psychosis or something.
Lol pokes crazyboy’s username Just kidding. But this is the difficulty with RC. You actually have to work at this stuff. Personally, I’m just as aware of my surroundings in a dream as in real life- not at all. So this poses a natural problem.
Might I suggest RC s that involve pinching your nose or pulling a finger?
For the longest time, reality checks would NOT work for me because I basically just looked at my hands. I never really questioned if I was dreaming. Many of my normal dreams had points where I did look at my hands, but I assumed I was in the waking world (despite the ridiculous surroundings).
I take many things for granted. I don’t focus much at all on the waking or dream world…
What I have to do to perform a reality check now is to look at my hands and see if I have that feeling of a dream or analyse my surroundings. It works much better…
(But I probably should try the nose-plug technique…)