How To Observe Your Physical Body Fall Asleep

I think you mean spamming. Bumping is bumping useful replies or not :tongue:

/me would like to add that he feels this topic (or at least the first post within it) maybe worth being salvaged and reorganised by the librarians and added to the Lucid Library.

this thread should be stickied! im so going to try this tonight… i hope i can, since i have been trying WILD the past few days since i havent had much sleep i easily fall asleep… but the thing is i simply just fall asleep the normal way… i dont even get to stage 1…

This post seems helpful, I remember the last time I tried WILD I stopped due to a horrible pain in my neck after 30 mins. I do think that you cannot fall asleep with an active mind however, the only successful WILD I had occured through minimal activity in my head. Ill try though it looks very intersting.

Has anyone tried this while there was noise in the backround (like a radio or TV)? Maybe if it is low enough, you will be able to fall asleep while it helps your mind stay awake long enough to get to the part where you feel uncomfortable… :neutral: :crazy:


Y’know. In hospitals when people can’t turn over… they have people to turn then over. Why? so they don’t cut off the circulation to certain areas and thus get bedsores.

But hey, if bedsores give you lucid dreams…

Ha, I remember this thread and thought it was bogus. Here’s why: when attempting WILD and I feel the need to shift positions, I just do it. When you relieve this body stress and become more comfortable, there is an immediate increase in body relaxation. That’s what you want: a relaxed body and relatively alert mind, just alert enough to catch the transition.

Plus, the guy’s assertion “and for survival reasons would be dangerous for the body to go to sleep before the mind has.”
Actually I would think the other way around would be more dangerous. As in your brain falls asleep, but your body decides “what a lovely evening, should I take a stroll over by that cliff or over by the lions?”

Someone mentioned it was useful information, “look at all those links”. Hey, they all go to the same site.
I think the fact that he posted 3 times discredits him enough.

That’s you. Doesn’t mean others are the same. I stay in one possition that I find my self comfortable in.

No matter how close I am to sleep, moving wakens me completely. (unless I am asleep) But the conscious effort of moving will undo any relaxation I had going on.

I don’t know about you, but my body is ruled by my brain so I doubt it’s going to think much of anything on it’s own.

You’ve been here 3yrs and don’t have 100posts yet. That one works both ways.

Like [Darkness Myth] here said, many people, including me, stay still when relaxing. Conscious moving always wakes me up completely.

The feel to need to change position is irritating and does not help relaxing, no, but it passes away quite quickly. At least for me.

I don’t think he speaks about normal sleep. I suppose it’s merely about adaptation in environment.

It’s an interesting idea. I’ve already read it before. It may be true and it may explain all the very common itching, little pains, etc. relaxation problems.

I completely agree with you, ArtieJ. If you google a little, you’ll find that the same message has been posted many times on different lucid dreaming and astral forums, so that it was a spam for an old website which does no more exist. I’ll suppress the links in the three spam posts he has done, they are no more existing indeed.

(And yes! there is a difference between posting 3 spams and 100 useful posts, Darkness Myth. :tongue:)

Well, I don’t know how useful, just my opinion, haha. I’ve had a three year steady commitment to the study and exploration of Lucid Dreaming, I just don’t have a lot of time to hang out on BBs, what with having a full time and a part time job.

The core idea of the body testing the mind is indeed interesting, but it bothers me a little. I don’t think of the body as it’s own conscious entity that can make decisions. That sounds more like the brain to me. But I suppose it could just be genetically preprogrammed body behavior that is happening at the chemical level. Maybe governed by lower brain regions.

Well, of course it’s not “thinking”, that was just a whimsical expression. People do sleep walk you know, when the body suppression mechanism doesn’t work like it’s supposed to.
In retrospect, I suppose both conditions are potentially detrimental to survival. You wouldn’t want to be walking by the cliff when your body suddenly decides to take a nap either.

I understand, I experience the same thing when I am very close to falling asleep. I just find that in the process of trying to get relaxed, if I shift positions to get comfortable, it seems to help me relax quicker. I don’t have to endure as long a period of time to get to the transition point. It’s true once you reach a certain point of relaxation, you have to remain still.

link below links to same article as first post here, so merged into this topic now

ok i got this from dreamviews so the credit does not go to me … hp?t=42271

im gonna give this a try tonight! :grin:

Its called WILD, Wake Induced Lucid Dream, and its a well known technique.

Good luck though.

EDIT: I didnt read the topic, sry. But that is indeed very interesting to know about if youre going to WILD.

That technique is quite interesting I think i’ll give it a go!

ok first its not WILD, its like it but its not
and second i think u shud read it cuz its really interesting! :smile:

I did read it. Very interesting indeed. I will try it.

I’m definitely going to try this tonight.


I read this right after it got posted actually and indeed I find it interesting :smile: I haven’t been able to try it since I’ve got a cold though :sad:

That is very interesting.
I will try to give that a try sometime.

I’m going to try this, Can you do this during a nap?