How to practise reality checks when you have Nova Dreamer

I want hear your experiences how you do reality checks when you have Nova Dreamer or Dream Dreamer in use?

I don’t own one.

I have read in LaBerge’s EWLD that the Nova Dreamer flashes translated into the dreams into shiny things. Like the lights of a car, the sun on a lake, etc. So you’d have to RT whenever you see shiny things in real life. If you don’t, I suppose using affirmations such as ‘the next time I’ll be seeing flashing lights, I will know I am dreaming’ would do the job.

I thought it flashed lights after it detects REM. Once it catches you in a dream, it flashes LED lights that some say appears as the sky (in the dream) flashing those colors, and thats suppose to get your attention your in a dream.