How to produce HI ?

Most of the time, when speaking about HI, it’s said that it happens naturally before you fall asleep.
But, if some people can see HI easily, it seems it’s not the case for everybody (specially for me). :sad:
I would like to know if somebody heard about a method which could be used in order to induce HI voluntarily i.e. without endlessly waiting they happen.
Hmm… I mean a kind of meditation method, no hallucinogen-based :crazy: , of course ! :tongue:

I remember when I first dicovered HI, it was a few years ago. I didn’t know what it was, but I did some experiments with it. I used to make my attention jump from one thought to another, never focusing on one thing for more than a second, and I used to visualise a fountain of colors. And then after a while, the colors would take life, and go out of my control, and then I start hearing hypnagogic sounds. I used to induce HI so I could fall asleep easily. I can’t say it still works for me, but try that if you like.

One thing that usually works for me is sleeping too little for a few days and then when you go to bed you get HI much faster than usual. But then again the chance of falling asleep is also much higher.

Sometimes I get HI almost every night, but that’s usually when I don’t even try to get it :bored: When I really try I usually don’t get any HI or just some faint colors before falling asleep. So HI is quite tricky to figure out :cry:

I have this quiet often, that’s kinda intro for dream, although it is not dream connected. When I close my eyes, it comes and goes, very indicative is losing main stream of imagery, you got it, after a split second you just can’t remember what it was however important.

I’m aware that is dreamlike, on the other side you have hypnagogic halucinations, also SP, but that you know are not dreamlike.

On the other hand this is still not dream. These images are like projecting on the wall.

What works for me is clearing the mind completely. And when I begin to see the early stages of HI I say to myself (in my head of course) “the next scene will be a dream” I say it without focusing on it to much so that I dont disturb the HI.

its only worked once though… I always get to that point I say it then fall right asleep :neutral:

Hi I almost never got hi either but I have find a way. When if come home from school and after I have been home fore about a hour am starting to feel really tired then I put on some good music (it dose not matter what I could be heavy metal ) and lay down in my bead and I don’t try to fall a sleep but I am not trying to stay awake just listen to the music and before u know it HI everywhere. After I did this a couple of times it began to get easier to get HI when I went to bead.