How To Purposely Cause Sleep Paralysis

Hello, I don’t know if this is in the right forum, and if it’s not please move it. Thanks! I was wondering if any of you know how to force yourself to wake up in sleep paralysis. Curiosity has provoked me and now I must find out what it’s like. All comments are appreciated! :content:

That’s the entire point of WILD. It’s pulling yourself into a dream from SP, causing you to be consciously aware that you’re in a dream from the get-go. You have to have slept about 4-6 hours already to try to get SP.

I don’t know much else about it since I haven’t tried WILD yet.

Not necessarily. Many times during WILD you go into the dream without feeling the SP.

There are lots of ways to force yourself awake from it.

Breathe irregularly or try moving your toes or fingers. Smaller muscles are less affected than larger ones. You will have a lot of trouble moving your arms/legs.

You can avoid it entirely if you jerk yourself awake just before you feel sleep paralysis. There’s a distinct feeling you get when it’s just about to come.

For me, when I’m about to get into SP, I’m often too relaxed to move to avoid it. And once I get out of it, I’ll be so relaxed I’d stay still and go back into it again.

You can float out of your body from SP and start an OBE.