How to start a dream...

I’d like to take that comment back. I have proved myself wrong :cool:.

The method I use to get lucid (VILD) is all about creating a dream scene before hand and entering it when I dream. And it works for me…you do need to be able to visualize well. Check out “VILD…Visually Incubated Lucid Dream” in the Quest for Lucidity area. My first post is about the technique and I’m sure theres a bit about incubating a dream in there somewhere…

so dreaming about certain things is not so hard as it might seem. i use the same technique as dreamrecall, meaning i tell myself what i want to dream about (for instance a name or smth) and do this until i fall asleep. :wiske: try it.

I have found that I can re-enter dreams, but so far I have only done this by accident and I have done it many times. Probably as many times as I have had LDs. But before reading this thread I couldn’t really figure out how I have done this. Seems like the key is passion and intense feelings. That would explain why I can re-enter dreams that I feel really passionet for. And MILD seems to only work for me if I really really mean it.

I will have to try this with all my passion when I go to sleep tonight and when I do WBTB tomorrow morning :cool_laugh:

I saw on the Jetson’s once where Elroy played something that made it sound like he was a pilot or something like that when he went to bed so he would dream about it. I know it was the Jetson’s but the idea sounds like it would work.

I also had to get early up to run the other day and decided to go back to bed afterwords. When I was trying to fall asleep I was just letting my thoughts wander and after a while I just realized I was dreaming. You could probably WBTB and just think about your dream and you might have it.