How to stay in the LD?

I’ve been getting lucids more and more frequently now, I just had 3 in the past week. :woo: But the same problem keeps coming back again and again. I just can’t for the life of me stay in the dream.

For example this is one of my LDs that shows my trouble:

I tried calming myself down, spinning and rubbing my hands together. The best they do is make the fading happen more slowly. So instead of waking up instantly, I’d wake up 3 seconds later. It’s getting quite frustrating having an LD then wake up and lose the chance to do something cool. Any other suggestions or advice would be welcomed.

I’ve been there… :sad: still am, kinda.

Well, in my experience, I have a few tips you can try.

First of all, when you spin, keep your eyes open and don’t stop spinning until you are sure the environment is stable. I usually suck at spinning… :tongue:

Take deep breaths through your nose, filling your belly first and then your chest.

Even if your calm, try not to focus too much on the fact that you are waking up, or will in seconds. This is hard, I know. But try to challenge yourself. Tell yourself something like “I CAN stay longer, here goes” “see?” etc

In general, it might take practice… I’ve had almost 250 LD’s now and I still have that problem… :sad: But I do feel like I’m slowly getting better. Since you’re haveing more LD’s, think of them as chances to practice more and more…

Don’t give up and Good luck =]

I’ve had several instances also where I woke up from a LD, then went right back to sleep and right back into the dream. So don’t get down on yourself right away. Instead, relax and remember your techniques to try to stay lucid when you go back into a dream.

i have another tip for you too. When you say “I will not wake up” is it bad, because your mind dont know the word “no”. So you must think for the goal, sth like matias said: “I will have a long (and vivid) lucid dream, please” (i dont know but i have heard if you say please it helps) and try to repeat that sentence loud. Good luck