how to summon a DG/SG

i can’t seem to find or summon a DG/SG can someone help me, i really want to meet them.

I’ve been guided in several lucid dreams, and have intentionally sought out guides successfully before.

I’ve learned over time, though, that these figures are not at my beck and call.

Beliefs about DGs vary, of course. To some, they’re manifestations of our own subconscious. To others, they’re wise autonomous beings (who aren’t servants).

Even if you only accept the first position, it’s foolhardy to treat mental projections like menials. The mind rebels against that kind of treatment. And you’re unlikely to hear anything wise from a DC you consider to be “only a DC.”

That said, what have you tried to find a DG?

In many of my experiences with DGs, I notice that they’re there more than invoke them. Try looking behind you with the intent to see them. A couple times, I’ve suddenly noticed DGs flying next to me, or have awoken with the realization that a mentor was speaking to me about the dream itself (in the case of third-person dreams). Once, a guide materialized when I broke a long-standing habit in my LDing. I had the chance to have lucid dream sex, but decided I’d rather do something better with my time. Walking away, there was my guide waiting for me.

Also consider that they’re not always watching. Once, in a nightmare, I called out for my guides and I became lucid when I heard a voice saying, “M., you’re your own guide.”

If I were you, I’d fall asleep with an emotionally-strong request to meet your guide every night for two weeks. And simply write down the dreams—see what comes out. Combining this with WBTB would probably help, too.