How vivid are your LDs?

Hi everyone I have had many lucid dreams, not really induced by any particular methods except the occasional RCs. Anyways I’m not exactly proficient at it I mean I may have had a few (around 15 or something like that) but they all lasted about 2 or 3 minutes, mostly ruined by FAs. However I could get better because in truth i’m not even trying.

The reason I’m not trying is because after I wake up from a LD it feels like it happened a week ago. I remember it well and I remember that during the LD I felt its vividness and NOTED it in my mind so that when I woke up I would acknowledge it but when I do wake up (and I remember everything from the dream; most especially the note I made in my head) it feels like it happened sooo long ago.

Does anyone know what I’m talking about? I mean on rare times in my life- and I’m betting in yours too, you’ve had dreams where you wake up and you can’t believe it wasn’t real. That’s the kind of effect I want to achieve or at least somewhere close to it, it is the feeling you get in the majority of nightmares. Without it I find LDs boring really.

Can anyone give me any tips on how to achieve this state?

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

I know what you mean, man. When you wake up and it doesn’t even feel like it just happened. Like it never happened. That’s annoying.

Just practice. My number of LDs where that has happened has steadily gone down, where it has gone up for the Ultra Lucid Dreams.

I guess I can try, but it takes the fun out of LDs so even when I achieve the lucid state, i’m still not benefiting from my effort. I hope in the long run I can achieve the type of LD I want to achieve.

I have both. My advice is to do things to intentionally increase the vividness. You can say out loud “more lucidity now” or “more vividness”, “heightened senses”, etc. Tell yourself that you want to remember everything and start trying to focus really close on details.

I remembered to do this with my 1st LD - I spun in circle (look up dream spinning in this forum) and repeated “lucidity now!” for about a minute. When I was done everything was in ultra high def, and I was completely conscious and highly alert to everything. The colors were very vivid, and I remembered what if felt like when I woke up.

You’re always going to know that it was just a dream, that it didn’t happen in the “real” world :smile: The key is to making it look and feel just as convincing as reality while you experience it. Also, and this is very important, because you said you haven’t really been trying - if you have one write it down as soon as you wake up. There’s a ton of research to show that your brain is programmed to forget it over time, and even waiting an hour can erase the entire effect.

Hope this helps!

Incredible helpful! Thanks! Also the last one I had I kept thinking about it over and over and it seems more vivid now then when I woke up. I will keep trying but I think that when I try I get worse results :tongue: lol guess I have to relax a little.

Thanks a lot for the advice!

No problem. That’s all stuff that I’ve learned in the last six months from this sight, and in that period of time I’ve been able to use all of it so it seems to work. The important thing is writing it down, or if you just can’t do that at least lay still when you wake up and go over the whole dream in your head so you can commit some of it to memory.

try paying attention to all of your senses when you are in the dream so you can remember them better when you wake up.

That’s weird. I’ve only had one LD, but it was pretty vivid. I mean like I feel like I was actually there. Just like it was something that happened to me yesterday, as opposed to a dream. I mean the actual visual wasn’t entirely lifelike, but the experience seems very real to me. It makes sense that focusing on making it vivid would work though.