I got an HTML file of the book “Exploring the world of lucid dreaming” , with all it’s 12 chapters, i got the full text from a Russian web site, and i used an automatic translation software ( the one that Altavisa site use ) to translate it into English.
So if there is someone here that can put this file on a server and then give us a link to it, then please tell me, and i will send you the HTML file by e-mail.
So i’ll wait for your replies if anyone here interesting.
Thanks 4 the text LucidGuess and ulrik_tr haven’t trawled throught it all as yet but the translation does manage to make it sound like a document Yoda might have writern.
I haven’t translated it myself, i got it some days ago from a guy at alt.dreams.lucid. If the book isn’t complete, i would love to have the complete version.
There’s upload access on the server, feel free to send any lucid related things to it!
But please, don’t send anything irrellevant. I’ve only got 64Kbit
Whoops-- Misunderstood you Pantalimon!
I thought you meant that i had not trawled through it all… So you meant the book weren’t complete. You had forgot a little comma
Say, did someone in this forum was able to enter the ftp link ulrik_tr gave???
When i’m trying to get there i get a small moving picture of a lamp searching… then after a long time i get this message -
“FTP Folder Error - An error occurred opening that folder on the FTP server. make sure you have permission to access that folder. Detaild: The operation timed out”
So i’m asking you again, is there anyone here that can take my HTML file and put it one a NORMAL server ( not FTP!! ) so we can all see it as a normal internet site?
since so many have problems connecting to this ftp site (including me) I will set up the html document on a new html server at lolland@netcom.no) It wont be up until I got the document and the domain is fully activated. so please send me the document.
Ok, i think i know what the prob is. It’s because some of you are behind firewalls or routers.
But now there’s a http server up, so i just shut down the ftp.
Well, let me first thank you for putting up the russian version. But I’ve still got a problem: I’m German and I’m just able to speak English and to read Latin as foreign languages. Because of this may I ask you how to translate the text into English?
sorry for the delay, the document is out now at home.no/lucid english and russian version(incase u wanna translate it with another program or to an other language)