html help!

how would I create a thing in html where there is a button and a box the box says 0 in it and every time you click the button the number in the box gets higher by 1
also how would I create a box with X in it and it adds X every X seconds?

X=any number (I type the number in some box then click ok)

I know that you can do it in javascript. There is a good java script on the internet. At google, type Java scipt.

Haha, quote of the day. :content:
Reminds me of the “If you want I could send you my internet”

Just sounds pretty funny with “there is a good java script on the internet” :smile:

Surely it starts with X and adds Y every Z seconds? :smile:

I saw something like that on a website with the population count.

yawn Find it yourself.

I tried that but it didn’t work. I think my internet is broken! :cool: :tongue:

And here’s a script I propared earlier :tongue:

The other thing you wanted to do is a bit more complex. But is possible. So if you would like me to write it, specify what time intervals you want.

Will tell you about timers.