Hey guys. im really freaked aobut this one. I live by the beach in florida and if this is true i will be underwater. Im so freaked out. lol should have stayed in russia. do u guys have any info on this and could this really be possible. ?
Well, I suppose it could be true, but if you read up on it on the internet, you’ll see that it’s the voice of this guy, Julien, who claims that he’s seen visions and got telepathic messages from aliens, vs scientists.
NASA says it won’t come closer than 5.5 million miles away from the earth, which is the distance between the moon and the earth x20.
Here’s the link to the story skymania.blogspot.com/2006/05/na … sense.html
or just google it and you’ll find tons of stuff.
Yep I wouldn’t worry too much about it, I mean, Juliens tend to tell some crazy stuff…
Nothing to worry about…
I agree. It’s a scary thought, a comet hitting earth, but I’d take NASA’s word over Juliens.
yeaaa i guess all of you are right.
best move north my friend
“Julien’s evidence for the collision is totally unscientific - he says it came to him twice in a vision confirmed by a telepathic message from aliens. He adds that it is cosmic revenge for President Bush’s aggressive policy towards Iran.”
Well, this is obviously real. Telepathic aliens have never been wrong before, have they?
Yeah, I really wouldn’t worry about this.
WTF , the alien said it _??
/me runs making a surviving room with supplies for eernety
I just read on one article from nasa that the comet is breaking into a multitude of pieces and they admit that some of the pieces will be untrackable. Idk but that just gives more evidence that we are gonna be hit and if it will, i am dead tee-hee. I live 2 miles from the beach in eastern florida. Aint that a pip. a mega-tsunami. But still scary. TOO BAD that there are many phycos in the world predicting BS cuz now we dont know what is real and whats nmot real as well as what to believe and what not to believe.
I don’t wanna make it any more stressfull, but if you live on a coast, on any place of the planet, you can be hit by a tsunami. Anytime. Remember 2 years ago in Asia. Aliens didn’t tell Julien about this one…
There are volcanos all under the atlantic, and so many other things that can actually destroy the coasts ( Earthquakes, Giant Storms… ), that I think a comet is the the last thing you should be concerned about.
LOL this really sounds like some weekly world news stuff or maybe the onion, you see i wouldnt worry at all cuz seein as it was in yahoo makes it hard to believe plus they have already claimed apocalyptic stuff but they are all false, weekly world news is dedicated to create fantastic stories to entertain people so id say this is all false it wouldnt be any wonder that the comet news were right below “is your man dating an alien? 10 tips on how to discover it” so dont worry i doubt that comet will hit us
don’t forget about the supervolcano under yellowstone being 2000 years(or so) late
Well, if it is going to hit (which I doubt), then it’s going to hit. There’s not much anyone can do about that. Go up north or to the middle of the US. Not much else you can do.
I don’t believe it’s going to hit, and I really, truly hope it won’t hit, but either way, there’s no use in worrying. Whatever happens, happens.
Then dont forget the change of polarity being 500k years late too,
I dont think the comet is the first thing we’d need to worry about
this is just a YAEOTWS (Yet Another End Of The WOrld Story).
If the earth where to end everytime someone sayid so… it would have happend a lot!
weekly world news allso has one about the challenger being show down by aliens and someone’s dog being eaten:P
Are we talking about this May?
Yeah, this May, wednesday/thursday.
It’s my sister’s birthday on wednesday! Great gift for her if the comet really hits us huh? lol
probably thursday then:P